Note: This chapter will be mainly wholesome fun. If you watched Slimecicle then you'll know what I mean by RL Craft
The following Monday Morning was pretty much normal. Cartman was talking shit to Kyle, Stan tried to calm Kyle down, and Eva and Kenny were simply talking. Everything was technically neutral until it was Zulama, where we all had freetime.
"AAAAAAAAAAHH WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK!" A boy with Brown hair and a...jock look? What? Well anyway that was the boy who was screaming, behind a computer.
"Jesus Christ shut up Clyde," A boy whom was also behind a computer had a hat with a yellow poof ball on his hat.
"You haven't seen what I seen Craaaaiiiggg," Clyde, or at least that was the name he was called. Eva got up and walked over to Clyde.
"What are you doing?" Eva asked, leering over Clydes shoulder to see the computer.
It seemed to be...minecraft?
"Craig and I downloaded this modpack and this is RLcraaaaffttttt," Clyde whined, his character dying by a....Grue? Craig groaned from the distance.
"I'm trying to stay away from him, and I have survived so far," Craig said with a monotone voice. He raised an eyebrow at Eva. "You are?" He asked.
"Ah, Eva McQueen..." Eva mumbled, staring at Clydes computer.
"Craig Tucker and he's Clyde Donovan," Craig said, with a blank stare.
"Can I play?" Eva asked, sitting at an empty computer next to Clyde.
"Sure, just let us exit the game first, so we can start fresh...with RL Craft..." Craig said, exiting his game, then Clyde did.
And they started a new game. "Remember, everything. Is. Out. To. Get. You," Clyde whispered, which caused Eva to shiver in terror.
And Clyde wasn't wrong.
Craig's character went over to Eva's, handing her some steak so her character didn't die of starvation."Thanks," Eva mumbled, walking off...of course in the Minecraft game. When she went to go get wood, a skeleton just spawned after she grabbed her first block of wood.
And it shot her in the head. "WHAT THE F*CK!" Eva exclaimed.
Oh yea thats right. In RL craft you have BODYPART health. You can hurt your WITTLE BITTY MINECRAFT ARMS. AND YOUR WIGGLE MINECRAFT LEGS.
But when a skeleton fires, oh boy you are INSTANTLY DEAD when it hits you!
Eva and Clyde went on a little...dungeon adventure in rlcraft. "Hey Clyde you down in this cave...? Oh wait there you are..." Eva mumbled.
"Yeah, you think something is gonna pop out at us?" Clyde said, while he was moving his character to mine some iron ore.
Eva didn't say anything, but she turned around to go up the mini stairs they made. Craig was just walking downstairs as well.
"AAAAAAAAA!" Clyde screamed, being killed by a creature that spawned.
"OH SHIT OH SHIIITTT!" Eva screamed as well. She then paused her game and then disconnected, as the bell for lunch immediately rang.
"Oh thank fuck...." Craig mumbled, standing up, fleeing the room. The zulama teacher was just...asleep. how did they stay asleep through all those screams of terror?
Eva sighed, got up, and headed to lunch, Clyde followed behind. "Hey Eva!" Bebe yelled whom was at her locker, which then caused Clyde to stop, his face turning absolutely red.
Eva walked over. "Bebe?" Eva asked. Bebe shut her locker. "Come on, sit with me and Wendy at lunch, the others have been wanting to meet you," Bebe said.
Before Eva knew it, she was sitting with the other girls of the school. She felt like someone was watching her.
"You're Eva McQueen right?" A girl with red hair asked. Eva nodded. "Great! You can call me Red, it's nice to meet you!" Red exclaimed, holding her hand out to shake Eva's. Eva shook Reds hand.
A African American girl with dreads (I changed her hair just for this story-) turned to Eva. "My name is Nicole Daniels, I am Tokens girlfriend," Nicole said.
"Ah! You look really lovely!" Eva exclaimed, smiling.
"Thank you," Nicole said sweetly.
"How's South Park for you?" Red asked, taking a sip of chocolate milk. "Have any crushes yet?" She added. Eva immediately turned red.
"," Eva said plainly.
"Reasonable. It's like only a couple of days or so since you moved here," Wendy said, taking a bite of her grilled cheese sandwich.
"Do you guys know Rosalynn Heath? Kenny brought up her name when we were hanging out this one time a few days ago, but he never explained on who she was was, if that makes sense," Eva said, drinking strawberry milk.
"Rosa and I were best friends. She was the tomboy, I was the girly girl. Kenny would tease Rosa at times. Technically all you really like, need to know about her is that she was a great friend to have around!" Wendy exclaimed, smiling at remembering her dear friend.
(There, I had a little bitty witty talk about rosalynnnssss)
"She sounds awesome! I wish I could have met her..." Eva smiled softly.
"She really was awesome," Red said.
"So why was you and Clyde screaming in Zulama?" Nicole asked.
"Oh, we were playing RL Craft. It was a mod," Eva explained. Bebe smirked.
"Oh...minecraft," Bebe mumbled.
"That game was fun! I played it with Kevin!" Red exclaimed, clapping her hands.
Before Eva could respond. The bell rang.
And the rest of the day was somewhat quiet. As Eva went on the bus, Kenny sat next to her.
"You wanna see my phone?" Kenny asked. Eva looked up at Kenny.
"Yeah! You want me to give you my number?" Eva asked.
Kenny nodded, pulling out a very broken flip phone. He is so poor. Poor baby.
"Holy shit..." Eva mumbled, eyes widened. Kenny stayed quiet, looking away.
"No this is fine!" Eva exclaimed, she immediately pulled out a wrinkled piece of paper out of her hood pocket, taking out a pen. She wrote down her number.
"Here!" Eva exclaimed, smiling, handing the paper to Kenny.
"...thank you! Kenny exclaimed, smiling, his eyes sparkling. Eva smiled back.
Then the bus stopped at Eva's house, dropping her off.
Eva immediately ran off the bus and into the house. "MOM! DAD!" Eva exclaimed.
Her father looked up. "Yes...honey?" He asked. Eva's mother entered the room.
"Can you hand me some money to buy a new phone? I want to hand it to a friend! They need it!" Eva exclaimed, doing a little hop.
Her father sighed. "Sweetie...when we have enough money, we will consider it..." He said in a soft tone.
"YAAAAYYYY! I LOVE YOU GUYS!" Eva exclaimed, hugging her father, than her mother, and than ran upstairs to her room.
She couldn't wait for tomorrow.
The next chapter will simply be a few weeks later. And then thats when some stuff goes down.

South Park - Forever Young
FanfictionEva Mcqueen, recovering from a traumatic event in her life, she moves to a little cheap, seemingly quiet mountain town. South Park. It is quiet....right?