"OUT! AHAHAHAHA!" Gia yelled, once she caught the ball Cartman tossed at her.
Dodgeball. Sometimes it can be like world war 3. Sometimes it turns the class into cavemen. Either way, it was war. After Gia caught the ball Wendy than tossed the ball at Gia, Gia dodged it, when she moved out of the way Eva then jumped foward, tossing the ball at Wendy, which hit her in the shoulder.
"Ow Jesus fuck!" Wendy exclaimed.
"Ahahaahaahahahaah!" Clyde laughed, pointing. "Owww!" Clyde yelled, then hit on the thigh by Token.
"Jesus christ...shut up...." Token mumbled. Clyde was frowning, walking to the bleachers because he was out.
"We are all dropping like flies!" Stan exclaimed, looking at Eva.
Eva dodged an upcoming ball. "Yeah you think?!" Eva exclaimed. Kenny tossed a ball at Eva, Eva dodged.
"REALLY?!" Eva exclaimed. Kenny just shrugged, trynna not to smile and stuff. Adorable little shit. Gia jumped in the air and then threw the ball at Kenny, which Kenny dodged it.
Eventually it went from like 6 against 3 to 2 against 1. Kenny and Token against Eva. Eva immediately threw a ball at Kenny, just because. But he let the ball hit em in the arm. Token threw a ball, Eva dodged it, returning fire. Everybody in the class going haywire. They were slowly turning on each other. Eva tossed the second ball she had when token was moving at at point, and then she hit Token in the head.
Her team erupted in cheers. Stan giving Eva a high five. After that, the gym teacher let everyone have free time.
"Isn't the Washington D.C field trip soon?" Kyle asked. Wendy's eyes lit up.
"Oh wait that's correct! I should start trying to get some stuff prepared for it! I remember hearing that the weather is gonna be a living hell," Nicole said.
"Damn it . What now Kyle? You gonna use your jewish black magic to save us?" Cartman asked.
"CARTMAN I SWEAR TO GOD-" Kyle raised his voice. Eva was ready to try and get Kyle back. Kenny just laughed.
"Well either way I am ready for all this bullshit," Kenny said, smiling.
"You got that right. Damn every thing is just gonna be...so expensive there..." Stan sighed, wrapping an arm around Wendy, pulling her close.
"I doubt they'll have co-ed rooms..." Kyle mumbled, snickering at Stan and Wendy. Stan rolled his eyes, Wendy couldn't help but break a smile.
Red walked over. "Nope! But we can have some say in what group we can be in!" Red exclaimed, pulling out a piece of paper from her pocket.
Cartman blinked. "Are we really fucking doing this?" He asked.
"Yes now shut up," Eva said, taking a look at the paper. It was 4 teachers names in a list of available people in a group. The date for the Washington D.C trip? The week before spring break. Eva handed the paper to everyone else.
"Ooo!" Stan exclaimed. "Wendy do you want to be in a group chaperoned by Mr.Garrison? And Kenny and Eva can be in our group too," Stan said, looking at Wendy. Wendy nodded. Kenny and Eva looked at eachother, then just laughed.
"Jesus christ are you all gonna have an orgy?" Cartman asked, Kyle hit Cartman on the arm.
"We are gonna take a plane there, not a bus, you all know that right?" Wendy asked.
Then they all paused. "...what..."
"Yeah, we are not gonna be on the ground, but in the air!" Wendy exclaimed.
"Well shit..." Red mumbled. "I'll prepare my barfing bag, just in case" Red said.
"Horraaaayyy..." Eva mumbled. Kenny chuckled.
"So basically there is gonna be a airplane ride to Washington D.C. there's also gonna be bad bad weather there, that's even better. And not to mention we are gonna probably have a hard time buying shit. This sounds like an ideal trip," Kyle sighed, rolling his eyes.
*after school*
Kenny walked up to Eva when Eva was heading out of school. "Washington D.C, huh? Sounds fun," Eva said sarcastically.
"Oh it's probably not gonna be that bad. You want help preparing for the trip? We can go to the store," Kenny asked.
Eva nodded. "Yeah just let me get some money first..." Eva said quietly.
*at the store*
"OOOHHHH!" Stan exclaimed like a kid, he was looking at some ice cream. Wendy just giving Stan a slightly concerned look. Kenny and Eva were in another aisle, looking at chips.
"Mmm! But have you ever had jalapeño cheetos?" Eva asked, holding up the Cheetos to Kenny's face. Kenny slightly whacked the cheetos, but not hard enough for them to go flying out of her hand.
"Yes I have had them, you're just buying tons of junk food," Kenny smiled. Eva made a >:3 face.
"At least I could finally get limbs!" Eva exclaimed. Kenny laughed.
"But hey you have a nice ass, no tits, but a nice ass-ow," Kenny was slapped by Eva. "Okay I had that coming," Kenny said.
Eva rolled her eyes and kissed Kennys cheek. "You're lucky I love you," Eva said. Kenny chuckled. Eva then turned to the chips, grabbing a bag of jalapeño cheetos, a bag of regular cheetos, and spicy doritos.
"You are really into spicy foods huh?" Kenny asked.
"Is that bad?"
"Oh, no it's not calm dooowwnnnn"
"I am calm you goof," Eva pouted her lips, poking Kenny on the neck.
"You gonna like- when we get to hotel rooms in d.c, are you gonna try and sneak out?" Kenny asked. Eva thought for a moment.
"Maybe, if the doors need to be unscrewed or something if for some reason the windows are nailed shut," Eva said. "I'll probably just grab a screwdriver," She added. Kennys eyes lit up.
"We all can just have a huge night out on the town!" Kenny giggled, beginning to follow Eva out of the aisle.
Stan and Wendy met up with Kenny and Eva. "The other munchkins are scattered throughout the store," Wendy said. "We can try and use your help to find them," Wendy added. Eva sighed.
"Alright, guess we should get our asses hauling," Kenny said.
Then the four began exploring throughout the store. They found the rest of the group, which the first two they found was Cartman and Kyle, who was meanmugging each other in a aisleway. Bebe and Red was awing over these two dogs they found, but the owners was looking at them like '???'. Nicole, Jimmy, and Token was hanging out, staring at fishes. Gia was the last one. Just hanging out at the entrance.
"Will that be all for today?" The cashier asked.
The group just stared at the cashier, they all nodded in unison. "Alllriiight then, that'll be 345.67," They said. The group mumbled amongst themselves and then they pooled their money together.
They exited the store, all quiet. "I'm gonna hate this trip," Kyle mumbled.
"Well at least you are able to somewhat prepare, I cant believe the amount of ponchos I bought!" Wendy giggled, holding up the bag of ponchos she held.
"I wanted to pick up those wittle bitty dogs and keep theeemmmm..." Red whined.
As the group was busy walking home, talking about how to prepare for the trip.
The trip was here before they knew it.
If it wasn't clear, the next chapter will be the airplane ride to Washington d.c! :D

South Park - Forever Young
FanfictionEva Mcqueen, recovering from a traumatic event in her life, she moves to a little cheap, seemingly quiet mountain town. South Park. It is quiet....right?