It's been a few days since Eva and Kenny became a couple. Kenny promised to let Eva come meet Karen, whom was Kennys...little sister. "What is Karen like?" Eva asked, while walking to Kennys house with Kenny- obvi.
Kenny smiled, looking up into the sky. "She's like, my everything, i want my little sister to be happy. I'll protect her every chance I get. I don't want anyone to hurt her," Kenny said. Eva smiled at Kenny, wrapped her arm around his shoulder, then kissed his cheek.
"You seem to be a very great big brother to her," Eva said. Kenny nodded.
"I try, at least," Kenny said, chuckling.
Then they made it to Kennys house. Karen was waiting outside. "Kenny!" She exclaimed, running over to give Kenny a hug. She had a doll with her. It seemed to be torn apart slightly, but she still had it nonetheless.
Kenny and Karen separated for a split moment, Karen looking at Eva. "Who is she?" Karen asked.
Kenny pulled Eva close to him smiling. "She's my girlfriend, Eva," Kenny replied. Karen's eyes sparkled.
"It's nice to meet you! I'm Karen!" Karen exclaimed, giving Eva a hug.
Eva hugged back. "It's nice to meet you too, Karen," She said.
The two separated. "Do you two wanna go to the park? Honestly I wasn't planning on what to do after having Eva meet you,Karen," Kenny explained. Eva chuckled. Karen tossed her doll up in the air and caught it.
"The park sounds just fine with me," Karen said.
"Yeah same here," Eva said in agreement.
Kenny then smiled. "Alright it's settled then."
Then the three went to the park. Only to hear an abrupt roar. "CIVIL WAR! IT'S GOING DOWN! HELL YEAH!" Coon yelled.
The three paused. "What the fuck are those knuckleheads doing?!" Kenny exclaimed. Karen hid behind Kenny. Kenny's instinct to protect his little sister kicked in, and he held his sister close.
Toolshed was knocked down by Super Craig, whom Wonder Tweek knocked into Kenny....who then kicked Super Craig blindly, did some kind of a roundhouse kick. It was too quick for Eva to react though.
Eva was knocked into the road. "Eva!" Kenny exclaimed. "Are you okay?!" He called out.
Eva shook her head a yes, but blinked so she could process her surroundings. She looked to the left of her. It was almost as if it was slow motion. Kenny let go of his sister, beginning to run toward the direction. Toolshed called out in pure terror. The Civil War had paused.
Eva was hit by a truck.
Eva's body flung on the sidewalk, She was still breathing, somehow.
"Oh my god!" Kenny ran over, taking Eva in his arms. "Someone call 911!" Kenny yelled, tears welled up in his eyes.
And so Cartman did call the ambulance. Ambulance trucks, police, they took Eva's body into the ambulance, leaving Kenny to be confused.
The following night, Kenny couldn't sleep. He wasn't even acting like himself.
The next morning, he finally got news. So then he rushed to the hospital, and then the hospital room. Eva's parents were there in the hospital room, crying.
Eva was asleep, thank god she didn't look so bad. "Eva..." Kenny said quietly, taking Eva's hand, sitting next to her hospital bed.
"Are you her boyfriend...?' Mrs.McQueen asked.
Kenny nodded. Before he could elaborate the doctor came in. "O-Oh...well I guess you are all here..." The doctor said quietly.
"Is s-something wrong?" Mr.McQueen asked.
I was fading in and out of conciousness...
'What do you mean Eva might not....'
' can tell ....'
That's was all I heard before waking up. Kennys hand firmly entagled with mine.
"Kenny...?" I asked.
Kenny looked at me he now had a happy smile, at least that's what it seemed like now that I think about it. He was crying. "Eva... Eva oh my beautiful flower....sweetheart... " Kenny hugged me tightly, beginning to cry.
"Hey ken..." I said weakly, returning the hug, the grip very weak.
" should be out in time for winter break....." My mother said. My father nodding with her.
"We are just gonna...give you two some privacy..." My parents said quietly, leaving the room.
I looked at Kenny. "What did the doctor...say?" I asked kinda freaked out.
Kenny just smiled and kissed my forehead. "It's nothing to worry about, sweetheart. At least not now," Kenny said.
But I couldn't help but feel like he was keeping something from me. Instead of pushing any further, I nodded. "Okay," I said, smiling.
"It was an accident that you got hit by the truck sweetheart...I'm so sorry...." Kenny teared up even more.
I just smiled. "It's okay kenny. I'm okay now. I'm here now. Nothing is wrong..." I said, sitting up.
I just couldn't shake that feeling off of me that Kenny was lying.
By the time winter break started, I was out of the hospital. Kenny stayed with me while my parents were at work.
"You don't have to do all this..." I chuckled, accepting the coffee cup Kenny made me. Kenny only smiled.
"It's okay, I may not have to, but I want to," Kenny said, kissing my forehead.
"Isn't the guys playing superheroes?" I asked. "Wouldn't you want to play?" I added. Kenny laughed.
"I'm open to just spending the time with you, sweetheart..." Kenny said, climbing into bed, wrapping an arm around me.
"Kenny..." I smiled at Kenny. "Thank you..." I said quietly,burying my face into his chest, closing my eyes.
Kenny kissed my forehead, and then closed his eyes too.
And when I was completely asleep, the tears came.

South Park - Forever Young
FanfictionEva Mcqueen, recovering from a traumatic event in her life, she moves to a little cheap, seemingly quiet mountain town. South Park. It is quiet....right?