chapter 19 the confrontation

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"Okay, so you search the bottom floor, I'll search the top." Lizzy told Angel, who had reluctantly come along with her.

Angel started to look through the office on the first floor, which gave off this eerily fake vibe. Everything seemed to be made out of that plastic that she had occasionally seen in the less ruined areas of the world before the war, with tiny walls separating numerous desks lined throughout the building.

Angel went through all the desks and metal cabinets, until she finally found what seemed to be the box that had the virus in it.

She was about to go tell Lizzy of her findings, but then she heard a noise outside. Angel peeked her head out the door in search of what that noise could be. To her right was nothing, but to her left, where the edge of the city was, was a truck that was not there when she entered, and out of it stepped Dawn.

Before Angel could stick her head back in, Dawn saw her and smiled. He ran towards the building, as Angel ran up the stairs.

"Dawn is here!" Angel screamed, as Lizzy entered the stairwell too. Angel sprinted up the stairs as fast as her legs would allow, and Lizzy did the same. Behind them, they could hear the crashing and banging of Dawn as he rushed through the office.

Angel felt a hand grab at her foot and pull her down, causing Angel to throw the box up the stairs towards Lizzy, who quickly grabbed the box.

Dawn totally ignored Angel, and continued running towards his prey.

Lizzy threw the door open to the roof and thought about running over to the ledge to throw the box off the cliff. Dawn was right behind her though, and she had no time to run, so she threw the surprisingly heavy box with all her might, and hoped that it would be enough force for the box to be thrown off the ledge of the building.

"NO!" Dawn screamed, and ran forward at a lightning pace towards the box. The box was about to go off the edge of the building, but Dawn just barely managed to grab it.

If Dawn was insane before, then he was a straight up animal now. His eyes shone with furious insanity, and his laugh now sounded like a crow. He opened the box and reached inside, and made a face similar to a drug addict getting high. Dawn was pretty sure that was the first time he had felt joy in a long time.

He bent over and screamed, and in that moment Lizzy saw her chance. As Dawn was screaming and just generally being a savage, Lizzy sent a piece of glass flying through Dawn's heart.

Dawn grew silent and toppled over. There was no noise in that moment, no climactic showdown, just... nothing. The only thing that was different was the snow that started to fall, that would soon cover Dawn's body.

Angel finally reached the top of the building, and her mouth went agape when she saw Dawn. "Is he dead?" she asked, slowly walking forward.

"Yes." Lizzy said, who was lying down on her back, panting heavily, "I really did not sign up for this."

Angel thought she heard a whooshing noise, and behind her stood Tim.

"Where have you been?" Lizzy asked, not even trying to get up.

"I've been busy, okay. I have a lot of things to do. Anyways where is Dawn."

"He's over there, I ran a piece of glass through his heart."

"Oh, well that's great news. um, good job." Tim laughed and started to approach the body of Dawn. his eyes grew though, and he looked like he was about to say something, when a large piece of concrete slammed into the face. The moment seemed to happen in slow motion, as Tim was now airborne, and went over the side of the building.

A horrible screeching noise was heard by all, and as the two on top looked over to see what it was, they learned that it was Dawn using his claws to hoist himself up.

Before Angel could process this though, a sound that could not have come from anything of this world was heard where Tim had fallen.

Out of nowhere, Tim shot up from the side of his building. He had a pair of angelic wings, and continued to scream, as his body changed into different forms. These forms took all sizes, skin color, hair colors, and gender. That was, until his form settled on some silhouette. He definitely had a form, but it was like Angel's brain could not process it. If she looked far to the left or right, she was sure Tim was not there, and if she looked at the center of this form, she was sure she was looking at Tim, but where Tim's form ended seemed to change and Angel couldn't seem to get a clear picture of where "Tim" really was.

"I can't believe it," Lizzy said, standing up, "you're the Time God." 

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