thief! | p.4

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"You're kidding?"

How did they get here? Get where? You must be wondering. Well, at the current moment, Hyunjin and Jisung were standing outside of a coffee shop, with an empty stroller, where the assigned project had been in.


Jisung let his eyes off of the thing for a second, waiting for Hyunjin to come back with their drinks and some guy came up and took the baby right from the stroller. And now it's gone. Oh, how stupid could he be? (Apparently very, according to Hyunjin.)

Jisung began running off, taking Hyunjin's hand and ran with him. Hyunjin had let the cups of Americanos slip from his hands and splattered everywhere on the cold, hard concrete.

Hwang gasped dramatically, letting Han drag him away. "My baby!" He then faced Jisung, glaring at him. "How can you be so stupid?! And you are paying me back for those drinks!"

"Shut up!" Jisung snapped, continuing to run as fast as he could. He then spotted the male that told their baby. "Right there! That's him! Come on! Come on!" Han frantically said, running after the "project thief".

"Oh my god, Hyunjin, run!"

"I'm trying!"

"Try harder!"

Jisung groaned, yanking his hand away from Hyunjin's. He was slowed down from Hyunjin and definitely not from the stroller he was pushing.
(^ ^ peek Hyunjin's sarcasm ^ ^ )

Then, it had suddenly hit Jisung. Literally and mentally, he had ran into a trash can, causing the stroller to jam into his hip. (HiP hIp-)

He let a yelp out, but that didn't stop him from running. Besides that point, an idea sprouted into his dull brain. He knew where they were heading, down a road that small dip to it.

When they sharply turned the corner, Jisung yelled, "Hyunjin! Push me as hard as you can!"


"Just do it, you bitch!"

"The fuck you call me?!"

In a split second, Hyunjin roughly shoved Jisung, sending him down the very steep road. And to his luck, his plan worked. The stroller and Jisung went zooming and hit the stranger, knocking them over, before Jisung ran them over with said stroller.

Han fell over the stroller, hitting the ground with a groan. The stranger had also let a groan out of pain.

Hyunjin came running, stopping when he got to the two. He laughed at Jisung, before glaring at the stranger. Jisung shot the same look, that Hyunjin had been giving the thief, right at Hwang.

He stood up, going to Hyunjin's side. He leaned forward and snatch the baby out of the dude's hand. "You kidnapper! Can't believe you would do something so horrible!" Jisung spat out, holding the fake baby close to his chest.

Hyunjin gave him the "look", before looking away to face the male that lied on the floor. "Why did you take it? The thing isn't real."

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