it is your turn | p.5

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Hyunjin groaned. It was the fifth time he heard the crying. Hyunjin sat up from his bed, climbing out as he went to the door. He forced his eyes open as he walked to the other room.

He slowly opened the door, picking up the nearest thing and throwing it at Jisung. Jisung, who was laying in the bed that was in the guest room, shot up with a groan.

He had panic in his eyes as he searched around the room before his eyes landed on Hwang.

"The hell, Hyunjin?!" Jisung grumbled, sitting up. "It's your turn to take care of the thing." Hyunjin slowly turned around to head back to his room, but stopped when he heard Jisung's loud whine.

"I don't want to! You do it!"

"No way! I've done my part already, do yours! Don't be a lazy ass bitch!"

Han sighed, getting up and went to shut the thing up. Hyunjin followed him, knowing the other would probably need his help.

Jisung picked up the baby, cradling it. He then tiredly said, "Shut up." Hyunjin let a light chuckle out, rolling his eyes a bit.

"That's not how you do it." He closed his eyes, rubbing them a bit. The next thing he heard was something hitting against the cradle. He opened his eyes to see Han hitting the baby against it repeatedly, trying to get it to shut up.


Hyunjin covered his mouth at the sound he heard, moving his hand away after to stop him from doing it.

"Oh my god! Jisung stop!" Hyunjin grabbed the baby and shoved the other aside. He cradled it slowly against his chest. Jisung puffed his cheeks out, before going over to him, standing behind him and watched over his shoulder. His eyes were half open, yet he still watched.

Hyunjin felt the other behind him, he tensed up only a bit. To be quite frank, he did enjoy having the other behind him, just a little bit. Though he shook that feeling off, looking at the shorter male and handing him the baby.

"Here, you do it. I'm not cradling it for you no longer. It is your turn."

Jisung frowned a bit, but rolled his eyes in return, taking care of the baby. Hyunjin stood to watch for a bit, before leaving quickly to his bedroom. He laid down on one side of his bed, looking up at his ceiling.

His mind wandered about many things as Hyunjin's eyes fell slowly shut. Hyunjin only set those things aside as he relaxed under the sheets. He really had nothing to worry about this late at night. Nothing at a-


Hyunjin's eyes shot open as he felt a dip beside him, making him sit up and turn to face his side. He only saw the last thing he wanted to see, Han Jisung laying on his bed.

Hyunjin raised his hand and smacked his forehead, causing Jisung to shoot up. "Owie! Why-"

"Get out."


"Why no? You want to get hit again?"

Jisung shook his head, frantically scooting back. "No no! I'm not leaving because I'm sleeping in here with you. I don't want to waste my time of getting up and dragging myself in here to get you, so I'm going to sleep beside you."

Hyunjin glared at Jisung, but like he told himself, he had nothing to worry about. He let it be because he trusted Jisung, for some strange reason. The guy didn't seem like he would hurt him or try to do anything to him.

"Fine, but if you touch me while I'm sleeping, so help me god Jisung, I will beat your ass."

Hyunjin then laid back down, turning to his side to where he was not facing Han. "Good night, Hyunjin."

"Shut the hell up."

He heard Jisung mutter something under his breath, but couldn't really hear it. He brushed it off, slowly falling into deep slumber.

Word count: 663

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Word count: 663

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