Chapter 1: The Starting Point

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By the way, you wake up in the body of a small child to stimulate kind of normal growth, so yeah, you have childish emotions and do childish gestures. Besides, it would be weird to have a grown up child as an experiment! Even this mad doctor knows this!

You wake up for the first time in your life. Your eyesight is blurry, but you can still make out colors like white and gray and black. Those three are the only ones around you at the moment. The sound of laughing makes you look over to your left to see a man with crazy hair and a face hidden in a mask and goggles standing over you.

Who is this man? you wonder. Your first thoughts.

"There you are, my little we- ah, I mean, experiment," he says in a crazy tone. Just as crazy as his hair!

You look at the man with a wondering stare, finding the words to use to address him. However, you have no time to even make a sound because he keeps talking.

"You are Experiment 281! Finally, all of my research has paid off!!" He cackles. "You may call me Doctor, 281!" He pulls you up rather roughly. "Now, we shall go through tests to make sure you work properly."

You nod slowly, still confused as to what's going on. He pulls you to another room, where there are menacing machines just waiting to be used. They intimidate you, and you hold on to Doctor's arm. He just shakes you off, though.

"Stop being such a little bitch, 281!" he scolds. "Now, step in this machine."

Doctor points to a scary-looking machine that looks like a capsule. You look into it and see that there are all sorts of wires inside. You look back to Doctor with a scared look.

"Do I have to?" you whisper. Your first words.

"Yes, you have to! Now, get in there!"

You sigh and crawl in since you really have no other choice in the matter. You lie flat on your back while Doctor attaches the wires into your ears and arms, which, surprisingly enough, have slots for those wires. So, maybe you're some kind of machine? Is that how he made you?

Doctor finishes wiring you up. He starts checking the screen, which has many numbers and letters that you can't understand. In the center of the screen is a bar with half of it filled with green. You wonder what that could mean for the longest time as he checks the digits, and then he grins a very disturbing grin.

"I see, I see," he mumbles. "Yes, this will do nicely. Very nicely."

You keep quiet so as not to disturb him. You have a feeling that if you talk, he'll get mad at you, and for some reason, the idea scares you. So, you just watch what he's doing without asking a verbal question.

"Experiment 281," Doctor says, "you will be given a name. Calling you 281 would be too much of a hassle, so I will allow you to think of a name while you rest in your room."

"You won't give me one?" you croak, trying to speak a little louder than before. Your vocal cords have yet to be exercised, so you sound a little hoarse.

"What an absurd idea!" Doctor spits. "The last thing I need is to become attached to my own experiment!" He unplugs you from the machine and helps you out. "Now, I will show you to where you will sleep and wait in the morning to be called down to breakfast. Another bot will be down there shortly to tell you more about yourself and what you are as well as your daily procedures."

You follow him the entire time he's talking. Everything he's said thus far has stuck in your head easily, so much so that you can recite his words back to him if you wanted, but fear of punishment makes you bite your tongue.

The two of you enter a room on the far end of a hallway, which is filled with other doors that house supplies and extra things. Those rooms didn't seem important to Doctor, so you decide that they have nothing special in them. Doctor sticks his hand out.

Experiment 281Where stories live. Discover now