Chapter 8: Continued From Chapter 4

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You decide not to waste time thinking about anything and head straight since it's the closest. It's best not to waste time, but even so, even more of the bots with the flashing red lights and the blaring sirens rush at you with such ferocity that you can't even think straight.

What the hell? What's with all these things!? You try utilizing one of your skills, but the blaring is too loud; you have trouble focusing on using anything!

Doctor's voice comes on over the speakers, "Experiment 281, aka Dark, you have no way of escaping. Surrender now, and I'll maybe let you continue on your mission. However, if you make this harder than it has to be, I'll make sure you never get the chance to escape again!"

Ignoring the warning since you can barely hear it over the sirens, you press on, smashing all of the bots in your way. They get stronger as you continue on, but your strength is even greater. There's no way you'll ever do that horrid thing!! It would be a boring place without people!

A dead end... There was a dead end at the end of the hall.

"I told you that you have no way of escaping," Doctor said through one of the bots.

You whip around with a glare. "I don't want to! I heard what you wanted me to do!"

"Oh, I wish you had a choice." He chuckled. "You're made to kill, and only kill. That's all you exist to do. If you don't do what you're made to do, then you're nothing."

"Lies!! You're lying!!" you scream, pressing yourself against the wall as if you can find anything that will allow you an escape.

"I'm not lying."

I was...I was made for that...? If I don't...I'm nothing... Doctor's words penetrate right through your mind, the small piece of metal in your brain firing wildly. Every single metal part is sent into overdrive at the words until you black out.


You're in a bed with chains keeping your arms and legs down. You try to move them, but the chains are so tight that you can't even move them off.

"!!" You keep on trying to struggle out. "I don't want to!!"

The door creaks open, and upon hearing that, you stop your struggles for a while. "Well, you're awake," says Doctor. "It's a shame you just turned out like the rest. This is going to be where you live from now on." He plugs in a charger into your head and an energy source into one of the holes in your arm. "This is your punishment. You'll stay in this room for the rest of your days without any contact. That should teach you a lesson." He then exits without saying a word.

You look up at the white ceiling. The whole room is white, including the tube, the charger, the ropes, and bed. It was only made worse by the fact that the majority of your skin is white.

The sad truth is this: you'll go insane before you die.


Experiment 281Where stories live. Discover now