Chapter 10: Continued From Chapter 1

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No, you can't run away. You wonder why that thought even crosses your mind. You go back to sleep and await that day. Sure, it'll be weird for the world to just end, but it has to be done, right? You approach and act like nothing happened.

"Doctor?" you call.

He turns to you. "What?" He sounds irritated, like you just tore him from his thoughts. "Why're you up?"

"I-I couldn't sleep," you explain. "I woke up just now, so I wondered if you could help me sleep again."

Doctor sighs. "Alright, alright. Something warm to drink should help, right?" He snaps, and the chef bot arrives.

"Yes, Doctor?" it asks in its robotic voice.

"Bring Dark something warm to drink ASAP." He turns to you. "Follow him to the kitchen."

"Okay!" You follow the chef bot to the kitchen for that drink. While you follow, the thought of being a weapon just used doesn't seem to want to leave your mind. No matter how hard you try, it doesn't want to leave.

The bot starts warming up a mug of milk. You look up, snapping out of your thoughts because of the microwave. You sigh, pushing those thoughts away. Those useless thoughts shouldn't plague you.

But what if they were instinct.

You freeze at this thought. Why did it come so suddenly? Was there something wrong with fulfilling Doctor's plan?

The bot finishes up warming some milk and takes it to another station. It pours something of an amber color inside. You watch its actions carefully, thoughts of paranoia filling your mind. Would what it's pouring do something to make you cease to exist? No, it can't read your mind. There's no way a machine can do that!

The bot brings the drink to you. You take it, and it leaves with a small beep, knowing full well that you'll understand.

"Sweet dreams, Dark."

You watch it leave with the warm mug in your hands. You take a sip, the warm fluid entering your esophagus. Honey. It put honey in there to sweeten the milk. You smile. It was ridiculous to think that it could be something deadly like the plague! Finishing your drink, you put the cup in the sink, where the automated machine starts to scrub it clean. You head back to your room.

Once inside, you check your battery life. About ninety percent is still left. You settle into your bed and plug the charger into your head for the rest of the night.

~.The Next Morning.~

An alarm wakes you up the next morning, and the sun shines brightly. You unplug the charger and immediately go to the dining room for breakfast, almost forgetting whatever you heard last night. That is, until you pass by a mysterious room that seems to send chills down your spine.

Strange...That never happened before. You're about to open the door when you remember that you have to get to the dining room on time! Setting a reminder in your mind for later, you rush to the dining room.

After breakfast, you have a few more hours until lessons, so you decide to check out that room. You know which one it is as soon as you pass it because another chill goes down your entire body. You face the door slowly, and with trembling hands, you turn the knob.

The door creaks open slowly; it's pitch black in there. Out of the palm of your right hand, a light brightens. You look at it curiously only to see that it's a flashlight for these kinds of situations. You swivel your hand all around the room, and the beam settles on a single computer in the back of the room with stacks and stacks looming over it, piling up at every wall. You creep in slowly, closing the door behind you so that no one will see you snooping around.

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