Chapter 3: Continued From Chapter 4

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You don't even try to wait for the robots to come close to you. You run to the left path out of sheer willingness to just get things over with!

That's not really so simple. The blaring of sirens scream into your ears painfully, signaling the presence of the security bots that seem to pop out of the walls at random. In your body, you find a switch that can dismantle the other bots' circuits. Why Doctor would give you something like this, you have no idea.

He must be out of his mind if he gave me this.

You shoot sound waves out of the holes in your arms, which fry the wiring in the other bots, allowing you to pass unscathed. You can just imagine Doctor's face contorted in rage, and that makes you happy. Maybe it has to do with the fact that he never told you that you were made to kill people in the first place, but whatever.

You come across an exit door right across from you. It literally has a huge EXIT sign right above it for some reason! It may be a trap, but you decide to take that risk. It'll be sweet, sweet victory if it's actually an exit sign.

There are still more bots in your way; you'll need to take care of them before actually getting to the exit because they may follow you. You also may have to rip out the GPS tracking system in you if you have one.

Running as fast as your legs can carry you, you continue to emit the sound out of your arms while jumping on those that aren't affected with such a force that their heads crush into their bodies, bringing a satisfying crunch and screech of metal against metal.

You pin one that's still alive down when you've dealt with the others. "Do I have a tracking device?" you growl.

The bot beeps and boops, but it's only senseless words that you understand. Nonsense. You slam it against the wall angrily, wanting to get on your way but unable to without knowing if you have a tracking device or no.

"Tell me, you worthless piece of machinery!!"

Still, it doesn't tell you. You resort to hacking into its circuits to get it to tell you where it is and to get it out. Finally, you're free from everything else! You exit through the door, and indeed, you come across a mountail area that leads into a forest.

Grinning widely, you go through without a second thought. The fresh air feels nice in your lungs, and the scent of the trees and plants are much different than the synthetic smell of the lab. It feels nice out.

You come across a fork in the road. One is the path you've been taking, but the other seems to be recent. Maybe there's something interesting in the recent one! You look at each, wondering where each goes and where you may end up. You feel up for an adventure today, but you know you should get to sleep first.

You take out a small, portable charger that you've managed to sneak out and plug it in to your charging port.

~.The Next Day.~

You wake up and take out the charger, then you look at the paths again. Which to choose...?

If you want to explore the other one, go to chapter 7.

If you want to stay on your path, go to chapter 9.

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