Chapter 7: Continued From Chapter 3

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A bit of an adventure wouldn't hurt, right? With that in mind, you turn your back to the path that you were just on and go to the one that looks like it's been recently carved by animals. Maybe some kind of species migrated through this way? Well, whatever made this, you decide to check it out.

You follow the trail like a hound, save for the part where you stick your nose to the ground and start sniffing, but other than that, you follow it like a hound. Small and large footprints scatter around and inside the trail, marking that all kinds of animals have been here.

Night soon falls. You settle into a nice tree hole at the base of the trunk and place the charger into the port.

~.The Next Day.~

You wake up and check the amount of battery in the portable charger. Upon seeing the charge of the battery half gone already, you frown. I have to conserve this.

You get up from your spot and continue looking around. You explore the whole place, the berries, the trees, everything! Spending years under one roof makes you curious to taste anything that looks like food, but those same years also tell you that not every berry is safe.

Instead, you settle for watching the animals because they know what's good to eat and what's bad. Maybe you can try something that they eat.

Days pass. Your portable charger's lost all charge some days ago. You've switched to power-saving mode so as to prolong your life, but you know that you'll shut down.

You stumble along the forest with your battery nearly drained. You slump against a tree and close your eyes, feeling yourself shutting down.

~.Years Later (In 3rd person present tense at the moment).~

A man with long, white hair that partially covers his right ice blue eye takes his usual stroll down the forest in the winter time. He has on a black shirt and pants with gloves and a red scarf and boots to keep out the cold. He walks along a road with tracks of animals printed into it; a sign of hunting predators and fleeing prey.

He continues walking until he spots an unusual mound leaning on a tree some feet away. He's never noticed it before. He marches over to the snow hill and removes the snow to see if there's anything underneath. Much to his surprise, an alien-looking being rests in the snow. His once white skin is tinged blue with cold, his body is slumped forward. He's holding something in his hands.

The man opens the clenched fist and finds a kind of charger that's long since lost its battery. He frowns. What is this being doing out here in the cold? He'll die of hypothermia!

The man picks up the sleeping figure, which is freezing cold. He once again frowns and removes his jacket, placing it on the poor victim to keep him warm. Then, he hurries back to his house.

(Back to 2nd person.)

Warmth fills you. Warmth and energy.

When you open your eyes, the blurry things become clear, just like when you first woke up. A blanket covers you, and a charger is plugged into you. You're on a couch by what you can only assume is a fire place. Someone comes in.

"You're awake," the voice, a male voice, says. "That's good to know."

You turn to see the man that talked. He's tall with white, long hair and icy blue eyes. He has a serious but kind look on his face. He holds a tray with two cups of steaming hot tea.

"Your charging port is different from the one I use for my electronics, but I managed to find an older model. If you stayed out there for too long, you would have died." He gives you a cup of tea and takes one for himself.

You silently take the cup and feel its warmth seep into you. "Th...thank you..."

The man sits at the edge of the couch and smiles at you. "You're welcome. Stay as long as you'd like. By the way, what's your name?"

"Exper- I mean...Dark. My name is Dark."

"I see. I am Darkrai or Nahoa Evermore. I go by both."

You nod and decide not to question it. You sip your tea; Darkrai comes over and strokes your hair. You smile at this gentle gesture, feeling a blooming sensation in your chest.

I think I've found someone I like...


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