Chapter 5: Continued From Chapter 2

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You snarl. "Bring it! I'm not scared of you!"

They all growl back at you, and you immediately regret your decision. Still, it's a bit too late to back what you said, so you decide to just go with it and hope for the best.

Every single one of the failed experiments (you assume they're failed because they all have numbers on various parts of their bodies as well as missing body parts, impaired speech, etc) circle around you with growling throats, unsheathing claws, and clicking guns.

You, in turn, activate something in your system that turns your right arm into a laser gun. With this weapon, you start fighting them in order to get through to the door. They push you back, but your will to get the heck out of the lab is much stronger; you kill anyone that gets in your way.

Your will isn't enough, though. They eventually swamp you, their claws tearing you apart before you die.


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