Chapter 2: Continued From Chapter 4

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Sirens of warning start blaring behind you, so you quickly make the decision to go right. It must be the correct path, right? You've never been here, but something tells you that you're right!

We'll just have to see, now won't we? you think grimly only to then come to a dead end with nothing but a window.

With the sirens drawing nearer and nearer to you, you take another chance and smash the window with your bare shoulder. Nothing happens at first, but you keep trying and trying, bashing your shoulder into the tough glass with your whole body weight as hard as you can, but no matter what you do, nothing but a few cracks sprinkle the surface of the window.

Bruised and sore, you grip your throbbing shoulder with a glare at the window that's wasting your precious escaping time!

"STop wheRe YoU arE," a synthetic voice says behind you, and something clicks on the back of your head. Something brushes the back of your hair lightly, something like a weapon, maybe. Whatever the case, that something isn't welcome.

You turn your head slightly back to see what's pointing what at your head. A silver, fat robot with a malfunctioning voice box stands, or rather hovers, right behind you. You can't really make out any details with the angle of your head, but you can infer that the robot, with its sliver, ridiculously skinny arm, is pointing a gun right at your head. It may not just be any gun, but one that shuts down the robotic parts of the body. This would be bad business for his right hemisphere, legs, hands, and heart.

"What do you want?" you mumble to the machine with a deadly glare. "Don't you know I have business outside of the lab to attend to?"

"YoU WILl Not be LEavinG," it simply states.

You snort and turn quickly to stab it right where its core, a mechanism that keeps the full bots alive, but it immediately shoots you right in the chest.

You gasp in shock as the neural impulses shick every single mechanical part of you, making you black out momentarily, but that isn't really a good thing. Your eyes roll to the back of your head, your body convulses uncontrollably, everything starts shutting down.

Just as you close your eyes and try to take a final breath, something above you shatters. A glittering shower of something prickly falls all over you, and the last thing you hear is something, more than one something really, swishing out of the gap in the wall.


You come to, groaning in extreme pain. The places that hurt are your chest, your arms, hands, legs, pretty much any place that's metal, that's where it hurts.

Someone places a hand on your mouth to shush you while other gentle hands stroke your hair and caress your face. You open your eyes in pure darkness; no faces can be seen. The only things visible to you are the lit up eyes of three beings.

"Shh," one hisses. "Rest. Wake up morning." His speech was imperfect, like it always has been since the day he was born. "We keep watch. Rest."


"Rest." A hand, more like a paw, comes over your eyes, closing them and willing you back to sleep.


You wake up with something on your stomach. It's a piece of paper with words that make more sense than the speech of the being last night.

"Experiment 281,

Please do not be afraid. We've helped you through the five days you've been asleep. We made sure to charge your battery and fix what's been broken. If you're escaping, please be careful of the room to the far right at the end of the hallway. It's the way to the exit, but there's a really nasty bunch in there that can kill you."

It isn't signed, but you don't really care at the moment. You notice a charger in your charging port and unplug it, knowing that you're at one hundred percent by now.

You quickly escape to the hallway mentioned in the letter, looking for the door on the far right. You look inside through a window that shows nearly the entire room. Inside, a bunch of experiments with many parts missing or defective sleep.

Creaking open the door, you sneak in as silently as possible, but apparently, it's not silent enough. They wake up to the sound of your footsteps and growl.

You back away. "I'm just trying to get through," you try to reason. "I'm not here for any harm!"

"Get...out..." one says with pauses in between each word. "Don'"

"I just-"

"GET OUT!" another one, a rather boisterous one, shouts. "GET OUT OR WE'LL KILL YOU!"

You look around at them. They may be pretty easy to beat, but then again, their numbers are large. Either way, you're going through here!

If you want to fight them, go to chapter 5

If you don't want to fight them, go to chapter 6

Experiment 281Where stories live. Discover now