A Lighter Colored Puzzle

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Disclaimer: For the record I'm a senior in high school. So I've got no fucking clue what goes on in uni to any of my uni readers I'm sorry, I'm trying my best here.

The doors to the bus slid open as the bus's engines groaned to a halt.

University park, final stop, all passengers must exit.

Four boys hopped off the bus along with all the other students. A big hoofarah was made when all the students clamoured to get their luggage out from under the bus. When the bus finally pulled away from the station, it was practically flying from the loss of weight.

Somewhere in the pile of students, a hand shot out and snatched the last of it's luggage, pulling it onto the student's cart. The student turned around to look for his other friends.

"Jaemin!" The said boy looked behind him to see one of his friends pushing his chart filled with suitcases towards him.

"Yo Chenle!" Jaemin pushed his chart in his direction until he was next to the boy. From behind Chenle a skinny boy popped up with his suitcase cart.

"Great" Renjun huffed out, "Now we need to find Jeno."

A loud crash made all the boys whip their heads in one direction. They all looked at each other then they dropped their stuff and ran towards the noise.

They pushed their way through the gathering crowd of students to find one of their closest friends pinned under a luggage cart along with several large, heavy looking suitcases. There was another boy who was struggling to his feet.

The three boys all ran forward to help their friend out from under the pile of luggage. The other boy who was caught up in the crash of luggage, was now on his feet glaring down at the skinnier boy. His bitter alpha scent was nauseating for the poor omega he crashed into.

"You idiot!" He bellowed, "How could you not see me with all my stuff! Look what you did, you better hope that nothing is broken!"

The omega didn't respond, he just let his friends pull him to his feet and get dragged away from the angry looking boy. Jaemin went up to address him.

"Look it was an honest mistake. Thankfully no one was hurt so let's just put this all behind us and move on."

The other boy just glared back. Jaemin sighed.

"What's your name?"


"Well Jongho my name is Jaemin, and I'd like to make peace with you. I'll help you with the rest of your luggage and we can forget this ever happened." Jaemin stretched out his hand for Jongho to shake.

Jongho eyed the hand before him then he slowly reached out and shook it. His scent started to calm down making all the nearby omegas untense. The two boys set about getting all their luggage in order.

Renjun and Chenle turned to their friend.

"Are you hurt?" Renjun asked.

"No I'm okay." A soft voice came out of the boy as he looked down at the ground. His light strawberries and cream scent hovered around his shrunken body.

"Jen you need to stand up for yourself more often. That guy was so rude to you." Chenle patted his shoulder. Jeno said nothing and kept his eyes fixed on the ground.

Once Jaemin finished helping Jongho with his stuff, he came up to join the other boys.

"Let's go check in guys." The boys all went to grab their stuff and go inside the building.


"Eat shit Lee Haechan you'll never win!"

"Fuck you Mark Lee you won last time!"

"That shouldn't affect anything now!"




Mark slammed Haechan's knuckles down onto the table, thus winning the arm wrestling. He jumped up and pumped his fists in the air in victory.

"WEEEEEE ARE THE CHAMPIONS! MY FRIENDS!" Mark shouted at the top of his lungs while jumping around the small kitchenette the boys had received. Haechan rolled his eyes at his best friend's behavior.

"At least I'm still prettier than you." The alpha laughed and leaned back in his chair. Mark didn't let his pettines ruin his celebration even though it usually did.

"Um, guys?" A boy with light brown hair stuck his head around the corner from the hallway he was standing in.

Mark and Heachan both turned to look at him.

"Do you guys think you could start helping me unpack? Our fourth roommate will be here soon and I also don't want the entire floor knowing what giant crackheads we all are quite yet."

"Sure Yeosang. We'll help you out." Haechan patted the omega's shoulder and all three boys went into Yeosang's shared room with their roommate, Jeffery, to sort out their stuff.


Jeno flopped down on top of his bed. Once he and his friends had finished unpacking they went out to eat and finally got back to the dorms at around 11pm. Jeno pretended he wasn't tired so he could keep up with his energetic alpha and beta friends. But the truth was that omegas like him had poorer stamina than the other two groups and therefore got tired faster.

Jeno felt his eyelids getting heavier. He heard Jaemin, his roommate, coming into the room but he was already too far gone to keep awake for him.

He shut his eyes completely and let sleep overtake him.

He opened his eyes and saw he was sitting in a room he didn't recognize. He still liked it though. It was a small dining room with a circular wooden table in the center that Jeno was sitting next to. It had a pale blue runner across the middle. The wallpaper was white with cute little pink flowers spotted here and there. There was a small table in one coroner of the room with yellow camellias in a glass vase on top of it. White curtains blew slightly from the open window. Jeno turned his attention back to the table where he saw something he didn't notice before.

A basket.

The lid of the basket sat wide open. On the inside there was a red cloth to cover the bottom which was a stark contrast against the white grains that filled the basket. Jeno knew from his culinary knowledge that those grains were sugar.

All except for one.

Jeno saw, like a spider dropping down from its web, a small white grain. It was hovering above the basket but it was slowly making its way down. The grain looked almost identical to the ones in the basket but Jeno just knew, just knew, it wasn't sugar.

It was salt.

The last thing Jeno saw before the image faded before him was the single grain of salt dropping all the way to the sugar, merging with the other white crystals until Jeno couldn't tell them apart at all.

a/n: I cannot begin to explain to you how excited I am for this book. Plz lemme know what u thought! I'll c u in the next chapter byeeeeeee!

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