Long Sandy Way

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Mark laid on his back on the dorm couch with his arms and legs wrapped around a pillow placed on top of him. Haechan, Jeffery, and Yeosang were in the next room getting ready to go see a movie but Mark was staying behind because he wasn't feeling well.

Mark was slightly startled when the door to Jeffrey and Haechan's room swung open and the three chaotic boys all piled out; laughing and disturbing Mark's already bad headache. Luckily they didn't stay too long and they tried to be nice to Mark. Well 'tried' is the key word there. They basically made fun of his weird position, saying he looked like a koala, then wished him a few 'get well soon's before they all piled out of the dorm. Mark groaned and returned to scrolling through instagram.

The three boys all walked out into the slightly chilly early autumn weather. They walked in silence until a groan from Yeosang made them all look over at the stressed boy.

"What's wrong Yeosang?" Haechan asked.

"I forgot my wallet." Yeosang said.

"Oh well that's okay bro we can just cover for you tonight." Jeffery offered.

"No, I don't want to do that to you guys. I can just text my friend Jaemin to go pick it up for me. He said he was grocery shopping and the grocery store is right next to the theater so he probably won't mind." Yeosang said. The rest of the group nodded and Yeosang whipped out his phone to text Jaemin.

"Boring. Boring. Boring. Oh cute dog!.......Boring. Boring. Boring. Wendy can go out again after her accident? Oh thank god!" Mark double tapped the post to like it and kept scrolling. He heard the sound of a door opening and closing from behind him. At first he brushed it off as one of his roommates, but what caught his attention was the sound of frantic rummaging around the small kitchenette and living space. Mark slowly put his phone down and gently nudged the pillow further down his chest so he could see over the top of it. He saw a boy with honey colored hair and a green and white striped T-shirt opening and closing drawers frantically. Mark wasn't expecting to see that and it startled him.

"AHH!" Mark screamed, making the boy whip his head in Mark's direction.

"AHH!" The boy screamed back, also startled.

"WHO ARE YOU?" Mark had thrown the pillow to the ground and was attempting to sit up on the couch. 

"WHO AM I? WHO ARE YOU?" The unidentified male grabbed the nearest thing to him for a weapon. Which happened to be Haechan's swimming goggles.

"WHO AM I!? I LIVE HERE!" Mark shouted back.

"Oh." The boy seemed to calm down, at least enough to put down the goggles. "You must be Mark. I'm sorry about scaring you."

Mark didn't move from his awkward half lying half sitting position on the couch. He just kept staring at the boy in disbelief. He got whiff of the boy's scent and luckily he was only a Beta. He had a fresh kale scent that was refreshing to Marks nostrils which were overwhelmed by all his Alpha roommates scent's.

The boy came over to Mark and helped him stand. "I'm Jaemin, a friend of Yeosang's. He left his wallet here and asked me to drop it off on the way to my errands but I can't find it and I'm in a bit of a rush." The boy who Mark now knew to be Jamein quickly explained.

"Oh." Mark relaxed after hearing the explanation. "Yeosang's room is that one with the Ateez stickers on it. I'm sure the wallet is somewhere in there."

"Okay." Jaemin smiled at Mark before rushing into the room. Mark furrowed his brows at the boy's figure disappearing into Yeosang's room.  Did his heart flutter a bit when he smiled at him?

After a couple of rummaging noises could be heard from inside the room. Then Jaemin finally popped out with Yeosang's wallet in his hand.

"Got it." Jaemin triumphantly showed Mark the wallet before slipping it into his pocket.

"Thanks for your help and sorry for scaring you." Jaemin said. Mark chucked and rubbed the back of his neck while his eyes darted around the room.

"Yeah I guess I should get used to being around a lot of uni students all the time." He said.

"Having trouble adjusting too?" Jaemin asked.

"A bit. I don't think I'm in Canada anymore." Jaemin giggled at the dorky reference.

"Well, things haven't been the easiest for me either, and I'm Korean. So don't sweat it too much. But hey, if you ever need someone to share the struggle with I'm in room 119 on the floor below this one."

Mark chuckled again. "Yeah, I'll be sure to scare you too for some revenge."

There was that dazzling smile again.

"Nice to meet you Mark. Goodnight" The boy gave a small wave before he stepped out into the hallway and shut the door behind him. Mark sighed deeply and flopped back down onto the couch.

"Boring. Boring. Boring. Oh pretty!"


Jeno delicately wrapped the new scarf around his neck. It was a gift from Jaemin and he already cherished it.

He stepped out of his room and started walking towards the door but a slightly protective Beta voice made him freeze in his tracks.

"And where do you think you're going?"

Jeno turned around to look at the Beta who was sitting on the couch watching tv. He had one eyebrow raised with an unimpressed expression.

"Um..out?" Jeno nervously smiled but Chenle wasn't having it.

"Jeno you really shouldn't be going out by yourself. Especially after that incident a couple of days ago."

Jeno winced at the memory. His culinary teacher had held him back a couple of hours later than usual so he could help with a baking drive they have coming up. By the time he could finally go home it was well past 8pm and most of the campus had shut down. While Jeno was walking home he was followed and eventually attacked by a drunk Alpha. Luckily there was a different Alpha nearby to save him, but apparently not all the school's Omegas were quite as lucky. The school's president was even considering tightening campus security because of all the recent attacks.

"Chenle I'm just going a couple blocks away. It's this new restaurant that's been getting great reviews lately and-"

"Jeno! You're one of my closest friends and I couldn't bear it if you got hurt! If you're going out at least let me come with you." Jeno gratefully accepted the offer and Chenle got up to grab his jacket.

The Omega and Beta sat down in the charming place. Jeno's cheeks had a slight red tint to them but that wasn't from the chilly breeze. It was from their host mistaking him and Chenle for being a couple. Chenle, who had no shame whatsoever, just laughed it off and made fun of Jeno for being so embarrassed.

The waiter came over to them after they had a chance to settle down. "What'll it be?"

"I'll have the pumpkin risotto with the cauliflower frittatas." Chenle said.

"And I'll have the wintergreen flatbread with caramelized walnuts and some fizzy water." Jeno said. The waiter bowed politely and went off to check on other tables.

"Whelp, I gotta pee. Try not to kill yourself while I'm gone." And with that, Chenle dashed off to the men's room. Jeno watched him go and sighed. He was never one to scroll through his social media so how was he going to keep entertained?

A small chime from his phone caught Jeno's attention. There was only one thing on his phone he had notifications turned on for.

Jeno reached out and gingerly lifted up the phone. He slowly turned it over and gasped when he saw the contents of the message.

He had gotten into the baking competition.

A/n: I kinda like rlly need nct dream riding club ep2 to come out. And while I'm demanding things, and nct on knowing brother episode would b nice too.

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