Sprouting Hearts

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Ring ring ring.......ring ring ring.....ring ring ring

"Is it that same number again?"

Haechan picked up his phone and looked at the number. "Yeah it is."

"Just ignore it." Jeffery said.

Haechan pressed the red button so his phone returned to its call screen. He looked under the Recently added list and saw the contact name Jeno.

Haechan shifted in his seat a bit before opening up a new conversation with him.





Are you okay?

Yes, I'm doing okay now. The nurse let me go back to the dorm. She just wants me to drink lots of water and stay out of the sun.

Haechan saw the same spam number pop up on his screen, calling him, again. He rejected the call and returned his attention to Jeno.


That's good. I'm glad you're feeling better. Hey I was wondering-

"Who are you texting?" Mark interrupted him before he could send the reply.

"No one." Haechan attempted to switch his phone off and hastily put it back into his backpack but Jeffery spotted it before he could fully cover the contact name.

"He's texting that Omega boy from the investors dinner night." He said, causing Haechan to send him a glare.

"Ooooooo, it looks like our little sun has a wittle cwush!" Mark overly exaggerated his aegyo making everyone else at the table cringe. Yeosang however, noticed the slight edge to Mark's voice along with the pained expression in his features.

"I'm gonna go get more salad." He stood up abruptly, "Mark, can you help me to come pick out some....um...lettuce?"

Mark shot him a weird look but got up anyway. The two boys headed over to the salad bar.

"Okay, so I personally think you should go for Romaine. I know your taste is more IceBerg but the IceBerg at this dining hall looks a little wilted today. Unless you were thinking of going for some-"

"Mark I didn't actually ask you over here to talk about lettuce." 

Now Mark was really confused.

"Okay then what did you call me here to talk with you about?"

"Why did you look like a wounded puppy when Haechan was texting that Omega?"

Mark's eyes widened. Then he looked away from Yeosang and instead looked towards the smoothie bar with a faraway look in his eyes. "Oh."

Mark made no move to keep talking so Yeosang just stood patiently waiting for him to speak.

Mark eventually looked back at Yeosang with a bit of fear in his expression.

"You can't tell anyone." He said. Yeosang nodded.

Mark sighed, looked around, then pulled Yeosang close so he could whisper in his ear.

"I think I like Haechan." He stepped away and Yeosang looked back at him with wide eyes.

"You like Haechan!?" He shouted a bit louder than he meant; making Mark sush him.

"Yes! Okay? I like him. But I know he would never like me back and it's weird for Alphas to date in the first place. You're the first person I've told about this and you can't tell anybody okay?"

Yeosang stared back at Mark with a blank expression before he finally decided to nod back.

"Okay." He said and the two boys began to head back to the table.

"So what were you gonna do about your crush?" Yeosang asked.

"I wasn't really sure. I was really just gonna finesse it." Mark said. Yeosang gave him a sideways glance.

"Um...okay you do that. But if you ever need to talk I'm here okay?"

Mark nodded back and the two boys exchanged small smiles.

Ring ring ring......ring ring ring

"Just block them if they keep calling you!" Jeffery said.

"Naw I kinda wanna see what it's about." Haechan pressed the green button and put the phone to his ear, "Hello?"

"Hi and congratulations! You're the lucky winner of our annual raffle and you've just won a free trip to Hawaii! Do you feel special?"

"So special." Haechan sarcastically answers before hanging up. He turned his phone off so it won't disturb him then went to slip it back into his pocket. Then he spots Mark and Yeosang coming back to their table.

"Hey Yeosang where's your salad? Didn't you say you were getting more?" Haechan asked when Mark and Yeosang returned with an empty plate. The two boys looked at each other then back to Mark.


A:n I'm so fucking excited for nct dreams comeback

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