Feathers to Hold

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"Okay and that wraps up the Pink Lemonade Cupcakes."


"Um...is there anything else to do sir?"

"Just get the chocolate cakes into the freezer once they're out of the oven."

Jeno sighed and leaned back against the wall, his tired body almost collapsing into the bucket of water beside him. He had been kept awake for a pretty gross amount of time. His inner wolf was screaming at him to just let his poor body rest and not cause any damage to himself. But that wasn't an option, not once his professor found out he had gotten into the baking competition. Ever since that day when he happily ran up to him and proudly showed him the email, his professor had been pushing him to his limit. It was for the best, at least that's what Jeno told himself.

A ding from behind him signaled that the brownies were done. He pulled them all out and loaded them into the freezer, then he gladly retired his apron.

He walked out the door and wished his professor a good night.


Haechan was walking back from late night swim practice. He was taking his usual route back to the dorms by cutting through the culinary building. Theoretically, this was the most convenient way to go back. But he also went this way because each time he went he hoped to run into a certain Omega.

And speak of the devil.


Jeno turned around to try and find who had just called him. He was standing just outside the culinary room he had popped out of. Once he spotted Haechan looking at him him he smiled from ear to ear making Haechan do the same.

Haechan broke into a half walk, half run in order to catch up to the boy.

"Hi Chan. What are you doing here?"

"I was just on my way back from swim practice. I always cut through here since it's the fastest way back. What's up with you?"

"Oh I was just finishing up some of the baked goods with my professor. I'm on my way back to the dorms now."

"Well let me walk you there. It's late out and I'd be worried if you were out here by yourself." Haechan quickly offered. Jeno gladly accepted. Haechan reached down to sling Jeno's small bag over his shoulder and the two set off.

The walk to their dorms luckily wasn't too far from the culinary building. However, it was dark and a little chilly. Jeno tried to cover his shivers but Haechan did eventually notice. He offered Jeno his jacket but Jeno refused. If he accepted it he knew what that would mean.

"So how was baking?"

"Hm?" Jeno peered curiously up at Haechan. He had been pretty lost in his thoughts and hadn't heard what Haechan said.

Haechan chuckled at Jeno's cute reaction. "I asked; how was baking? You said that's what you were doing when you came out of the culinary classroom."

"Oh." Jeno faced ahead again. "It was okay. My professor's been a little tough on me since he found out I got into the annual baking competition."

"Naw, I bet he's just still salty about having a whole plate of cupcakes dumped on him." Haechan let out another hearty laugh. "Especially after that whole thing about the meme of him spread around the school."

Jeno made one of those cute noises he made when he was confused about something. Haechan had to hold back his smile.

"You mean you haven't seen this?"

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