More then a Forest pt2

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"Wow! This place is beautiful!" Jaemin said while staring around the farm they just arrived in.

"Yes it is." Mark muttered under his breath while staring directly at Jaemin.

"OOOOH JEFFEREY!" Chenle giggled while pointing at one particular donkey that made Jefferey cringe.

"How did you even know about that Chenle? You weren't here!"

"Oh we talk." Chenle said while throwing an arm around Mark's shoulders.

"HeY JeffEreY, I think I sEe their haNdiNg oUt lEftOveR bReAd OvEr tHeRe. You want round 2?" Chenle said in a weird voice to make it sound like he was the donkey. Jefferey scoffed but still rushed to grab the bread and enter the cage. The rest of the group followed him.

Jefferey took the bread out of the bag and extended his arm in front of him.

"Heeeeeere donkey, doney." He said while slowly walking towards the donkey, cringing away at the same time. The donkey only briefly glanced at him.

"Donkey, donkeeeeeey!" Jeffery tried again while inching closer, mostly because he was being pushed by Chenle. He nearly jumped out of his pants when the donkey suddenly looked up to meet Jeffrey's face. The donkey looked Jeffrey right in the eye, lifted his tail, and took the biggest dump any of the boys had ever seen.

Jefferey had to recover from a near heart attack while the rest of the group were almost shitting themselves by laughing.

"He must think your bread is really shitty!" Chenle almost pissed himself at his own joke.

"Yeah whatever." Jefferey tried to wave it off but accidentally stumbled into the poop in the process which of course made the group laugh even more.

"Leave me alone!" He shouted. "For your information, donkey feces has a lot of health benefits so I'm actually improving my health right now. I bet none of you would have the courage to step in here with me."

The rest of the group didn't buy his story and continued to stay away from the poop. Well....everyone except Jeno who was inspecting it curiously.

"You wanna hop in Jeno?" Jaemin asked.

"Naw I bet he's too chicken just like the rest of you!" Jefferey piped in.

Jeno finally decided to speak. "You know what I'll pass. It smells bad and I don't think I can-"

Haechan stode over to Jeno, bent down to wrap his arms around Jeno's legs, and lifted him up. He proceeded to run towards the pile of shit, making it look like he was going to jump in. Jeno shrieked and buried his head in Haechan's neck. Heachan stopped just short of the poop. He just barely managed to put a shaking Jeno down on solid ground, inches away from the manure, due to him laughing so hard. Once Jeno was out of his arms he collapsed on his knees and beat the ground with his fists. The rest of the group joined in by chucking a bit but they mostly rolled their eyes at the two.

"Just become a damn couple already." Mark muttered. Chenle nodded in agreement.

a/n hi peeps! Sorry to have been gone for so long! As some of you know I graduated high school in May. I recently started working as a full time carpenter (mon-thursday 7am-5:30pm) so I've been busy/tired af. I promise to not abandon you though and will update as much as I can

Have a great day stay healthy and I'll c u soon, byeeeeeeee!

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