Chasing Clouds

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Jeno turned around. He was about to ask what was wrong when he felt something heavy crash into him. He face planted in the cement and rolled a couple times before coming to a complete stop. He was surrounded by what looked like boxes of used toys.

"What kind of idiot would run into me while I am trying to gather toys for donation!?" A tall, muscular looking alpha clambered to his feet and whirled around while wildly scanning the ground. His eyes eventually landed on Jeno who was still dazed from the crash. The look on the Alpha's face was pure anger. There was practically steam coming out of his ears.

"YOU!" He bellowed, storming up to Jeno. He grabbed the poor Omega's shirt and yanked him up to look him in the face. Jeno started to shake from his dominating hormones. "You're that idiot I crashed into on the first day! You're doing this on purpose aren't you? You're just one of those stupid Omegas who only knows how to cause trouble."

Jeno would have talked back, but the Alpha's scent, which Jeno could now make out to be fresh baked bread, was overwhelming. Any other Omegas nearby were backing away just like last time Jongho was angry.

Jeno looked up helplessly at Jongho with round, scared eyes, his lips were moving but no sound was coming out.

"Aren't you?"

Jongho's grip on Jeno's shirt tightened.


Jeno shut his eyes as the world around him began to spin.


A pair of tanned hands pushed hard against Jongho's chest, making the Alpha drop Jeno and stumble back, caught off guard. Jeno, relieved, got to his feet and ran towards his group of friends. He jumped to Jaemin and hid behind him.

Jeno watched what was going on from over Jaemin's shoulder. He saw a tanned, lean looking boy step closer to Jongho with his arms spread wide to show he meant no harm.

"I'm sure that Omega didn't mean you any ill will. You were not in the right to harass him."

"So you really think it's a coincidence that he's also the one who crashed into me on move-in-day?"

"I'm sure it was. And even if it wasn't, like I said, you have no right to bully him. Especially given his size difference to you. He could easily get overwhelmed by that scent of yours. You shouldn't bully others like that again."

Jongho glared at Haechan for several seconds but Jeno didn't stick around to find out what happened. He turned and dashed away as fast as his legs could carry him. All the other Omegas nearby had also fled by then due to the overwhelming hormones.

Jongho eventually broke his gaze with Haechan and looked to his left. His scent was starting to calm down, thus Haechan's scent started to calm down as well.

"It's a crowded campus, maybe it was just a coincidence." Jongho lamely admitted. He bent down to pick up the toys and put them back in the boxes.

"I better get these to the donation center, the nuns should be expecting me soon." He stood up with the boxes back in hand, "This doesn't mean I'm cutting anyone slack here. If another person crosses me I plan on using my right as an Alpha to deal with that person." And with that he was off. Haechan breathed a sigh of relief and turned to the direction he heard the Omega scurry off to. But all he saw there was two Betas and one Alpha standing together. The Alpha of the group, ironically shortest and skinniest of the three, shrugged at Haechan, so he figured they must not know where the Omega he just saved went. Haechan frowned at this.

He kind of wanted to meet the cute boy that he recognized from seeing on his way to swim practice that one day. 

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