Spotting Paradise

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Jeno walked through campus both terrified and thrilled at the same time. When he saw the poster for the baking competition on move in day he knew he was going to try out. One of Jeno's biggest passions in life was in the kitchen; mixing four, butter, sugar, and god knows what else into a bowl to see what comes out.

As he walked, he didn't realize his Omega scent was getting stronger and stronger. He figured it out once he passed by a group of Alphas who all looked at him hungrily. He quickly looked down and his scent shrunk back in.

He realized with a start that he was alone on a campus he barely knew, in a city he had barely been to before, as an Omega. Part of him was tempted to run back to the dorms, or even text one of his friends to escort him the rest of the way but he brushed that all off.

He was determined to participate in this competition.

Jeno entered the culinary building on campus and walked down the hall to where the baking competition was being held. Right before entering it though, he saw a group of boys all walking towards the athlete's wing. They must have been trying out for the swim team because they were dressed for it. All of them were wearing tight spandex and some hadn't bothered to put shirts on at all. Jeno watched with his mouth hung wide open.

While the group of boys passed by Jeno he noticed someone hovering around the back of the group. He stood out because he was dressed more conservatively than the others; with spandex that went past his thighs and a loose oversized t-shirt. However the boy still carried himself in a way that said he was confident, he was ready for the ladies.

He had beautiful tanned skin and lean muscle rippled under his clothes.

Jeno's eyes lingered on the boy for a few extra seconds.

Then, much to Jeno's dismay, the boy seemed to sense him watching so he looked right at Jeno. Obviously, Jeno did what any other self respecting Gen-Z would do, which was squeak like a mouse and dart inside the culinary classroom.

He ran over to where the aprons, gloves, and hairnets were and began to prep himself for the competition. The judges and other competitors brushed off his red face as nervousness, these tryouts were incredibly cutthroat after all.


Haechan woke up slowly, he sat up and rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands before swinging his legs off the side of the bed and standing up.

Today was tryouts for the swim team and Haechan, having learned to swim even before he could walk, was excited. He was on the swim team in high school and felt a passion for it almost as strong as his own college major.

He walked to his dresser and opened the doors, as a freshman he felt a little intimidated by the idea of showing up to tryouts with a bunch of upperclassmen, so he decided to dress more modestly so as not to draw too much attention to himself.

When he finally stepped out of his dorm, he saw many kids who he recognized from being interested in trying out for swim. They were all slowly grouping up and heading towards the athletics wing. Haechan, being new and wanting to make friends outside of his crackhead ones, decided to walk up and join them.

While they all headed towards the athletics wing Haechan hovered in the back of the group and started a mild conversation with someone he met the night before. The kid's name was Doyoung and Haechan had a feeling he was gonna have some fun messing with this guy.

"So Haechan." The Beta started as they strode through the campus, "What's your scent? I've never quite smelled anything quite like it." He leaned into Haechan's shoulder to get a whiff of his scent just for effect.

Haechan, disgusted, pushed him off, but luckily the kid didn't seem to notice.

"I'm not quite sure." Haechan said.

"Ooooh so you're one of those undiscovereds" Doyong said, and he was right. Haechan was one of many that society labeled the undiscovereds. An Undivcovered was simply a person whose scent had either not been invented yet or it simply hadn't been discovered, hence the nickname. For example, the first chocolate chip cookie was invented in 1938. So anyone from before that time who had chocolate chip cookie as their scent simply didn't know what it was. Haechan always wanted to know what his scent was, but the odds it would be discovered in his lifetime were practically zero. Still, Haechan didn't mind the air of mystery it brought with him.

While they were on their way to the athletics wing they passed through another building Haechan figured was the arts wing or something to that effect because of all the artsy looking pictures on the walls. They all immediately hovered closer to one another because of the narrow hallway but Haechan still lingered in the back of the group.

While they were walking Haechan noticed a skinny, timid looking boy hovering around a doorframe. He was staring at Haechan with his mouth hung open. Haechan's gaze softened when he saw the boy.

He was an Omega, there was no doubt about that. The boy's Strawberries n cream scent hung around him giving him a pleasant aroma, drawing Haechan closer to the boy. Even though he appeared timid and shy, Haechan could see an inner fire in the boy. Like he knew exactly who he was and where he was going, and he knew he was going somewhere good.

Before Haechan could do anything, the boy let out a little squeak and darted inside the room he was standing outside of.

Haechan entered the athletics wing with the other swimmers and joined the rest in warm ups. They all brushed off his red face as nervousness. Tryouts for the swim team were a big deal after all.

a/n: So my friends and family have been getting this virus left and right. The city's hospital is about to be overrun with patients. And on top of all that, one of my parents is on the frontlines(doctor) which puts my chances of being infected at roughly 80-90%(if I don't have it already)

I might need to take a break from writing or I might need to be on here more to relax. We'll have to see.

Anyway I hope you all out there are taking care of yourselves, stay healthy and I'll see you in the next chapter byeeeeeee!

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