In His Words

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"What! Why did he take points off my homework assignment!"

"Look here in the comments, it'll tell you why it was wrong."

"I used the wrong measure word? but 张 is the right word for a tv isn't it?"

"What's a measure word?"

"It's like a slice of bread or a pair of pants. You need to use the right measure word for the right noun. Like obviously you can't say a slice of pants right?"

"I'm a normal guy. I put my pants on one slice at a time."

Mark and Yeosang burst into laughter. Then the sound of a door opening made both of them snap their heads in that direction. Then, in climbed Haechan and Jeffery with bags filled with grocery food.

"Sustenance!" Yeosang shouted out. He and Mark shot up to help them take all the bags off their hands.

Once they had all their bags put away they all looked at each other and drew the same conclusion: they bought groceries but didn't actually feel up to cooking anything today.

"Dining hall?"


The boys all went out of their dorm and went to push the elevator button.

"So Jeffrey" Yeosang started when he pushed the elevator button, "tell us all a little bit about yourself. We all know a lot about one another but we don't know much about you yet."

"Um." The Alpha looked down at his feet and shifted them around while the elevator rose up towards them. "I'm an Alpha as you know. I'm from JeJu....and I like eating?"

The ding above their heads signaled that the elevator arrived. The boys all climbed inside and pushed the button to go to ground level.

"You know you're pretty shy for an alpha." Yeosang said.

"Naw I bet he's just shy around new people but once he's comfortable with them he's a total crackhead." A slight smirk from Jeffery confirmed Mark's suspicions.

The elevator opened up to ground level and the boys all filed out.

"So Haechan." Mark said while they walked to the dining hall, "how does it feel to be a Marine Biology major with a quarter of the funds in the school going to your program?"

Haechan laughed. "I don't know Canada, how does it feel to be an Architecture major with nearly half of the school funds?"

That was the start of a fight between the four boys about whose major was the best. Yeosang eventually won as the History major because of how inexpensive his department was and how chill the History majors were as people.

Who doesn't like a History major?

"You know who you probably won't see me hanging around with anytime soon?"

No one prodded Mark to continue but he did anyway,

"The Culinary majors. I mean talk about a weird bunch of kids!" He said as he munched on his Sloppy Joes that was most likely cooked by a Culinary major, "They are probably the worst group of kids I've ever met! They're so snooty and their major takes a ton of the school's resources too!"

Haechan looked over at his friend with a look that said 'Bro are you serious?'

"Dude you've barely met any Culinary majors before. And besides....." He said while turning his gaze out to the window, "Just because their major takes so much funds that doesn't mean that they are snooty. I mean, I think it's kinda cool. They're like, on the next frontier in a way. In the kitchen, constantly modernizing how we eat. I think that it's kinda adventurous in a weird way."

Haechan returned his attention to his food while his friends exchanged 'what the fuck?' looks over his head.

"Oh I almost forgot!" Haechan quickly stood up, "Swim practice is today! I can't be late especially as a new recruit! I gotta go bye guys!"

"Bye!" They all waved goodbye to him while he rushed out to go to swimming lessons.

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