Chapter 6

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'Buttercup Utonium please come to  the principal's office!'

What does the principal want now stupid eggface!

A certain black haired girl stomped through the hallways, making everyone quiet and rushing to their classes. She was more than ready to kick anyone, who was in her way.

And my two softy sisters just fainted away! Uhhhhgggg

Even the pictures on the wall started to rumble, as she went through.

First two dipshits came into my way and now the principal wants me. Greeeaaat start of a new year.

Buttercup was so busy with herself that she forgot to look forward.


She missed a wall and landed on her butt. The fact that she lost her powers didn't made less strong. As the girl got up, she kicked it with all of her power. Let's just say that there was a slight indent on the wall.

'Buttercup Utonium the universitys property isn't your personal punching bag and now come to my office!'

A few minutes later the former superhero arrived. Before she entered, Buttercup took a deep breath and opened the door.

'You forgot to knock.'



After she shot a death glare and he returned that glare. Buttercup left the office and slammed the door. A few seconds later a loud knock came.

'Come in please.'

The girl entered again. The principal noticed her mood and smiled.

'Great now that you are in my favorite attitude you can tour the last of our new students.'

Buttercup hated that he was able to get her in the mood he wanted.

'Fine which classes does he have.'

'He actually has the same classes as you.'

No way he has 6 P.E. classes. How?!

'Well that's something new.'

Awkward silence moment

'Brisbane you can come in now!'

A shock went through Buttercups body as a tall boy the room entered.

'I told you to take your hood off.'


Buttercup was in shock, because there was a rock standing in front of her. His jet black hair was messy and spiked and the bottom was slightly shaved off. In opposition his skin was pale and so clear that you could mistake it for porcelain.

His face spotted slightly bushy brows with a split in one. Very strong features and a black lip piercing. But probably the most noticeable thing were his eyes. Buttercup was lost in his deep forest green eyes. But at the same a shiver went down her spine, due to the almost toxic green shine in his eyes.

He was wearing a dark green slightly ripped hoodie. To make his appearance even more dominant, the boy wore black worn out leather pants with some sort of leather belt around his leg. To top it of his feet were dressed in chunky black army boots.

But the thing that kept her distracted was his chiseled and almost bulky physical appearance.
Literally, his enormous muscles  made the hoodie extremely tight fitting.

She slapped herself mentally, but a  slight blush stayed. After everything was settled the greens left the office. His impressive 6'3 gave him long legs and a headstart.

Buttercup managed to catch up.

'Aren't you gonna say somethin'

Damn his voice is deep-
Wait what am I thinking?!

'Aren't you supposed to be nice to your guide?'

He chuckled at her feisty answer.

Is he laughing at me?'

She was desperately trying to keep her temper. While the girl made her breathing practices, Butch couldn't help but notice that she was still that feisty and short tempered yet cute little girl.

Atleast your temper didn't fade.

'This is the main hallway.'

The rest of the tour went relatively smooth. Buttercup was in a slightly better mood as they reached the huge gymnasium.

'And this is the place where you gonna spend most of your time. Now that we're here, you got any questions?'

'Since my legs are killin' me, ready for a little basketball?'

Atleast he likes sports

'Sounds good to me I'll get a ball'

A little smirk appeared on Butch's face as he saw that she took her jacket off. Revealing her elevens.

'Alright whoever gets four points first wins.'

'You start Butters!'

Buttercups lips curled into a confident smile as she started dribbling the ball.

'Just don't get mad if I win giant!'

Butch was grinning while he rolled up his sleeves.

The girl couldn't help but getting a little pink, as he revealed his toned underarms.

'~Eyes on the ball greeny~'




I hate those nicknames

'And go!'

The girl started to run as fast as possible, not looking behind her.

So you really had to give your power away

Buttercups jumped to reach the basket and was about to slam the ball in as a green streak in front of her appeared then her brain went blank.

So firm and warm

As the girl woke up, she noticed  that her head was leaning onto something hard.
A very built male chest to be more exact.
Then the girl started to notice a hand around her waist. She tried to escape but his grip was made out of iron.

'If I were you I wouldn't move so much.'

Suddenly she realized that she was laying on Butch's lap while he sat on the really high basket.
Buttercup was about to yell again but then something went in her mind again.

This can't be

He chuckled

'Took you some time to realize eh?'

While she fought with the thought that it was actually him, he started grinning mischievously.

'You wanted down right?'

'Yeah why do you-'

She was falling only to be caught by him again. Now she had no doubts about it. The black hair and the green eyes. Her eyes narrowed.

'Am I not too heavy for you idiot.'

'Oh now that mention it-'


Buttercup landed ungracefully on her butt.


'OI class starts in a minute!'

Oh sheet Blossom is going to kill me

They ended up being late.


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