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Liam is in class, Harry is at work, and Louis is back at the flat that he officially no longer lives in, waiting around for Zayn to tell him the news. He's digging through the cabinets though, looking for something actually good to eat because he is hungry. There's no yogurts or fruits or veggies- definitely not strawberry milk- and he finds himself frowning. He finds a bag of crisps, and he thinks they'll suffice until he makes it back to his and Harry's flat.

(To Harry, his person home.)

Zayn strolls in with just a towel on around his waist, and Louis notices a new tattoo, actually, a few. Louis raises an eyebrow and sits on the countertop, popping open the bag and eating a few crisps. They seem stale, a bit too salty too.

"Long time, no see."

Louis rolls his eyes, "It has been five days."

A pout covers Zayn's lips as he steals a crisp, "Too long, you're never home anymore."

Louis shrugs, "Yeah, well," he's always home. He should probably tell Zayn, he doesn't know why he is nervous about saying it though.

"How's your boy toy doing, then?"

There it is. Louis chokes a bit, glares at Zayn, and a new feeling of anger and possessiveness itches through him. "Don't ever say that."

Zayn looks up at him quickly from where he is rummaging in one of the drawers, taken back by Louis' harsh tone. "Hey, its just a joke, Lou."

"Well I don't think it's very funny, Zayn. And I don't want you talking about him like that."

"Okay Louis, what crawled up your arse? I know you love him and all, but you're so fucking protective, it's pathetic. You treat him like he's a sodding baby."

Louis hops off the counter, and this is his best friend for fucks sake. The one he has known since he was in elementary school. The one he grew up with, but it is starting not to feel that way. "I just care about him a lot, okay?"

Zayn rolls his eyes, "We never see you anymore Lou, its like you've disappeared. All you care about is Harry this, Harry that. Look, you even have your nails painted," Zayn's eyebrows furrow, "Its fucking weird, mate."

"Oh bullshit, don't pretend like you and Liam aren't always on top of each other, you're just as bad," Louis grits, running his thumb over one of his nails, "and don't fucking pretend you and Liam don't get off on fucking crossdressing shit, either."

Zayn holds onto his towel, glaring at Louis, "It's hot to us, okay? But your nails are fucking painted, and I know it isn't because of that," Zayn laughs mockingly, "unless what ya do is sit around coming in your pants as you paint your nails."

"Fuck you," Louis says so lowly it stings.

"I just want to know what happened to my best friend, okay? You have never been so distant from the rest of us because of a fucking boyfriend. Why the hell have you decided he is more important than us," Zayn tries to step closer to Louis, but Louis steps back, glaring.

"I never said he was."

"Then what the fuck is going on?" Zayn is pleading, "Why does it feel like we're losing you?" and Louis' trying to bit on his tongue as Zayn says it. He didn't ask for this.

"You're not losing me, Zayn. We just have other people in our lives now."

"Harry is different though, okay? He has changed you. You give him all of your attention an-"

"He was fucking abused and raped, Zayn!" Louis yells, biting his cheek as he slams his fist into the wall as the fist in his stomach completely crushes his heart, and it hurts so fucking bad, just everything. "Fucking raped," he whispers as if he cant believe it, and he can't, he still can't believe that someone could do that to Harry. Harry.

All You Are is What I Need (Larry BoyxBoy) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now