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After some this's and that's and a bit of a discovery, Louis gets a bonus refund from the university. Something about his classes mixing up, and an extra scholarship. Louis isn't complaining, no, even with the long hassle of phone calls he had to deal with

Louis' in the store now, actually, Niall trailing behind him looking at all the makeup products like they are foreign objects.

"Mate, you're absolutely gone for him, aren't you?" Niall says, fingers trailing over bottles of mascara.

"What do you mean? And try to keep up, you act like you've never seen this shit before." Louis turns to a different aisle, breathing out, "prat."

"You'd never do this for anyone else, I seen the way you were with Josh. S' real for you, innit?"

Louis lets a out a breath once he gets to the nail polish, eyes darting over all the choices. His heart clenches a bit. and he looks back to Niall with a lump in his throat, "Yeah, this is," he pauses, "this is the real deal for me."

He picks out soft colours, gently pale in all the right ways, because those are his favourite on Harry. He likes the way they seemingly fade into his skin, the way they are soft, just like him. Niall tries joining in, throwing in greens, oranges, and whites, and Louis scolds him with a whack to the head.

("I swear I didn't pick 'em out cos they were Ireland's colours. I swear, mate.")

"What about this, Lou?" Louis looks over to where Niall had wandered to. He is holding up a black, compact square case, and his eyes squint.

"What is it?"

"I think it is like, that blush stuff?" Niall looks at the picture on the case with a confused pout, "Like, it gots some ladies cheeks on it, weird looking cheeks might I add, but it's pink. Harry likes pink, right?"

Louis rolls his eyes, but he can't help the smile that rolls over his face. He needs Niall right now, and it is nice to know Niall is, and always will be, Niall.

"Throw it in," he holds the basket and motions for Niall to toss it.

(When checking out, Louis pretends not to see Niall sneak in a box of chocolate maltesers. If anything, he deserves them.)

All You Are is What I Need (Larry BoyxBoy) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now