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Louis ends up filling out countless job applications for no sodding reason, because one day he is getting a call from Niall, telling him to get his arse down to the pizza shop he works at. Next thing he knows, he is wearing a pizza apron with a little cap, and working shifts with Niall. So yeah, Louis does really love Niall, even if he never says it outloud.

Today is his first Friday since the job, and he get's to open the shop up. Despite having to get there two hours early to mop the shop up, and do all the cleaning, he thinks Fridays are his favourite days to work, because he only has to work 'till 12:50.

It's 1:00 now, though, and he is carrying a with two slices of pepperoni with pineapple, 1 cinnamon stick, and small order of spuds. It isn't for him though, no, he just randomly decided whilst in the middle of scraping gum off the bottom of tables that, 'hey, i should totally take harry lunch!'

So he is, which is new, definitely new, because Louis has never been to the library Harry works at.Not because he hates reading or anything, but because he likes to own the books he reads.

When he walks into the large library, the first thing to hit him isn't the smell of books, but the loud laughter of his boyfriend. Which is great really, although he was expecting more silence, since its a library and all, but nope, that is definitely Harry's laughter he is hearing.

He walks through the stamped-open doors, and is met with the sight of Harry with his mouth wide open, head tilted back.

"1, 2, 3!"

Louis hears a familiar voice of a girl- Jesy- and looks to see her holding a bowl of grapes, tossing one at Harry and it bounces of his nose.

"Better work on that aim there," Louis chimes, and Harry's mouth immediately shuts.


"Hey, love. I get off early on Fridays so I thought I'd bring you some lunch."

Harry looks nervous almost, as Louis leans over the library desk to give him a hug.

"Louis!" he hears next, and turns to see a gorgeous girl jumping in place, holding her arms out for a hug as well.

"Jesy!" Louis replies in the same tone, quickly hugging the girl he has just met. She smells like peaches, and has big, beautiful, brown eyes, and lovely, plump lips.

"Turn around, turn around. Let me see the assets."

Louis spins for the girl, already surprisingly loving her.

"Wow," she says, taking out her phone, "don't move, I need to get a photo of this."

After Louis hear the 'snap' sound, he turns back around. "Pretty great, I know," he comments, giving his bum a smack. He then turns to Harry, who has a blank face, and still hasn't said anything.

Jesy seems to notice the silence too, and looks to Harry, "You alright, babe?"

He shakes his head, no making eye contact, "Do you guys like, I don't know, how did Louis know your name?"

Louis feels the knot in his chest tighten. Something is off. "I talked to her on the phone, love."

"Oh, o-okay."

Louis glances to Jesy, and Jesy gives him this look. This look like she knows, and that they both know, and Louis realises that Harry is hiding a lot more from him. He doesn't address it though, instead, he pretends like everything is normal, and kisses Harry goodbye after chatting with Jesy a bit.

(Louis is waiting on the couch when Harry gets home from work. Harry freezes upon opening the door, and there is a moment, a moment where they just stare at each other. Louis feels a little bit angry, and a little bit sad, but most of all confused,

"I'm sorry," is the first thing that comes from his mouth.

"You have friends." It's not a question, but a statement.


Louis can see Harry start to tremble, and all he wants to know is why Harry is hiding it from him.

"Harry," he urges blankly.

"I do. I mean- friends- I have f-"

"Why didn't you tell me?" Louis' voice is monotone, and he just feels so uncomfortable by everything.


"Just tell me, Harry!" Louis yells frustratedly, making Harry flinch.

"I'm so sorry!" Harry sobs suddenly. He quickly goes to Louis on the couch, practically falling onto him as he just keeps murmuring, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Louis didn't- he just wants to know why, that's all. He didn't mean for this to happen. He doesn't.

"I'm so sorry, I am."


"He didn't let me have friends, Louis. I wasn't allowed, please. I'm so sorry."


Louis immediately wraps his arms around Harry. He doesn't think, he doesn't beat himself up or feel guilty, he just holds Harry. He holds him, feeling his heart bruise his chest. He shushes him gently, trying to calm him down. He focuses all of his attention on Harry, and doesn't allow himself to feel mad at himself.

"Harry, Harry- look at me." Louis urges, grabbing Harry's chin and gently turning his face, "you're allowed to have friends, I want you to have friends."

"I'm sorry," Harry murmurs again.

"Shh, babe, baby. Don't be sorry, don't be sorry."

"That's where I went, that night- that's where I went."

Louis nods, wiping at the tears on Harry's cheeks, "That's good, love. She seems so sweet, I'm glad you have her, okay baby?"

"A-and when he went out with Zayn- the reason only five were left- Jesy, 'nd Perrie, 'nd Niall came over."

"Niall?" Louis asks softly, more curious than anything.

Harry nods, sniffling. "I-I invited Jesy over one night, before you moved in and weren't here. A-and on the way over she ran into Perrie and Ni, and then they all came over."

Harry says it like Louis' a priest and he is confessing his sins.

Louis rubs his back. "Harry, that's okay, it's okay," he kisses Harry's temple, "I'm kind of wondering why Niall hasn't said anything about this to me, but it's still okay," Louis laughs lightly, holding Harry tighter against him.

"And, Harry?" Louis says, ignoring every emotion, "I would really love to meet your friends."

All You Are is What I Need (Larry BoyxBoy) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now