Thirty Two

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"We should tell the barista that you just found out you've been clear of cancer for a year now."

Louis raises an eyebrow, his hand that is gripping Harry's waist slides to the middle of his back as he turns to look at his boy with a questioning smile. "And why do you want to do that, love?"

Harry shrugs, his eyes big and shining and swallowing. "Hope and that," he says softly.

Louis lets out short, little laugh. The line moves forward and he moves his hand back to Harry's waist and pulls them a few steps forward. His eyes scan the chalkboard menu briefly once again before meeting Harry's eyes once more. "What?" Louis laughs.

"Lets do it," he says, eyes getting bigger as he shakes his head. His dimples are caved in, and he wraps his arm around his stomach so he can grab Louis' hand that's on his waist, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"What would you two like?" a girl with a skewed hat and messy ponytail asks politely.

Harry and Louis tear their eyes from each other, blushing.

"Uh," Louis starts, glancing to Harry. He smiles softly to him, tilting his head.

Harry beams at him, his teeth pulling at his bottom lip before he looks up to the cashier. He clears his throat, "I'll have a skinny mocha, and uh," Harry pauses," he here, will have an Earl Grey tea latte, a pound cake, um..." he trails off, looking over the board, "an apple fritter?" he glances to Louis, and Louis shakes his head yes, shyly, "an apple fritter." Harry states more surely, smiling widely.

The girl nods with a small smile, "Someone's getting treated."

"One year cancer free, this one," Harry says softly, looking down to Louis with that look, "So we're taking the day off to spoil him"

The girl's eyes widen, and she stops fiddling with the cash register, "That's- that's fantastic!"

Harry smiles, looking down to Louis with a soft expression, taking is hand in his own and squeezing it. "It is pretty great, innit?"

It's a shy pause, and the girl's face is reflecting adoration. Up until Harry is tearing his head away with a blush, digging out his wallet and pulling out the money.

"Here you go," he says shyly, blinking as if in a daze as he hands the money to the girl. Louis pinches his side with a smirk, and Harry looks at him with a big, dumb smile, "What?" he says in defense.

"You, Harry Styles," Louis smirks, poking at Harry's side, "gross," he mouths, wrinkling his nose.

Harry rolls his eyes, cheeks flushing a dark red and he immediately turns back to the girl who is putting their treats in a little baggy, and then getting their change. "You can keep the change."

The girl looks up briefly, "What?" she pauses, eyes widening, "Oh no, no. You won't be able to treat him if I'm taking your extra money."

"No, it's fine. I've got plenty, really," Harry gushes, looking between the girl and Louis a bit lost, "keep it."

Louis hides his snort in his hand, and hip checks Harry.

"Well thank you," the girl says, "and I'm really happy for you two, you're cute," she pauses, "and I'm happy for you," she says to Louis, "I hope he treats you to a good time."

"Oh," Louis says softly with a wink, taking hold of his drink and the little baggy of food, "he always does."

Then they're out the door, and Louis can't contain his snort. "Harry Styles, what was that?"

Harry pouts, not even bothering to answer Louis' question as he leads them down the street to the little park where they ate ice cream with Niall not too long ago. It's not nearly as hot out as it was that day, but it is nice enough out to only be in jeans and a thin t-shirt; the sun shining, with a gentle breeze that tousles their hair.

Harry slides into the picnic table seat with a bright blush on his pretty cheeks. His head is down, soft smile present on his lips, and Louis sits across from him.

"You are so in love with me," Louis teases playfully. He places his elbows on the table and crosses his arms, sitting up straight. He stares at Harry, eyes crinkling, a big, happy grin splitting his face in two.

"I'm just shy," Harry says in defense, trying to hide his smile whilst also trying to grab the bag of bakery goods from Louis, who moves them farther away with a smirk on his lip as he tries to drink his tea.

He sputters, "Yeah, okay," he teases, lowering the tone of his voice to imitate Harry, "I'm just gonna be the cheeky boyfriend who is treating his shy, lil boyfriend because he's been cancer free for a year," he rolls his eyes.

Harry pouts, "Just gimme my apple fritter."

"Nope, no uh Styles," Louis shakes his head, moving the bag of treats so they're being held behind his back, "not until you admit that you were totally trying to be the protective, cheeky boyfriend and then you looked at me and caved."

"I didn't cave."

"You caved," Louis says, leaning over the table with a scrunched up nose, "you caved and went soft/, and she saw it. She saw just how big of a softie you are for me."

Harry's face turns an impossible amount redder, his dimples indenting his cheeks in a never-ending grin, "she probably just thought I was happy you were alive."

"Ha," Louis laughs, "you know what that moment was, don't you dare try to cover it up with your 'inspirational hipster lies.' You're so in love with me."

"Fine," Harry groans. He rolls his eyes and sips his coffee, "can I have my apple fritter now?"

"Uh uh, Styles. 'Fine' what?" Louis pushes, leaning just a bit over the table, smile wide.

Harry bites at his grin, "Fine. I'm so in love with you." Louis raises his eyebrows, and Harry continues with an eye roll, "and sometimes when I look at you, it feels like I'm falling in love with you for the very first time all over again."

Louis tilts his head. His eyes are crinkled into smiles, matching the one on his lips. "Really?"

"Yes, really. Now give me my fritter, m'hungry," Harry pouts, but simpers nonetheless.

Louis sits back, raising a cocky eyebrow and smirking. "God, Harold. You're so gross."

Harry rolls his eyes.

"You're just the hugest sap."

"Stop talking and feed meee," Harry whines, rubbing his hands over his cheeks to try and make his blush go away, maybe even his smile. He crosses his arms on the picnic table and hides his face, giggling lightly. He just can't help it, he loves when Louis teases him.

Louis sighs, and finally pulls the bakery bag back in front of him. "I love you," he murmurs quietly, smiling softly.

Harry whips his head up, his blush coming up along with a tummy full of leaps.

"I love you so much," Louis says, taking out Harry's apple fritter, "and I kind of look at you and do the same thing. You just haven't caught me yet," he winks, taking a big bite of Harry's fritter.

"Heeeey," Harry draws out with furrowed eyebrows. His heart is beating into his throat, and he feels so in love he thinks he may burst at the seams.

Louis laughs, mouth full of the sweet goodness, and he leans over the picnic table, tangling his fingers in Harry's hair, and pulling him in for a short, sweet kiss.

"I love you, you nasty, nasty hipster."

"Just give me my apple fritter."

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