Twenty Three

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They drink smoothies through one cup with two straws, watching Niall flirt with the smoothie vendor.

"Do you think Niall realises the guy is gay?" Liam asks, genuinely worried as Zayn brings their smoothie closer to get a sip.

"I don't know," Louis sips through his own straw, and plays around with Harry's, "but the two of them would make a pretty good couple."

Harry nods his head in agreement, watching as Niall throws his head back laughing.

"Does Niall know he's flirting back?" Liam asks, looking to Zayn who just shrugs.

"Maybe the gay finally got to him," Louis replies, watching as Niall takes a napkin from the guy and starts walking to them.

"That guy is so friendly, gave me a free smoothie!" Niall is smiling wide as he sits in the high-chaired wooden seat, "I got his number. Said we should hang out sometime."

Louis snorts into his smoothie and Harry slaps his knee.

Niall smiles, looking over to the guy who winks at him and turns away, "Aw he just winked, you see that?" Niall grins, winking back before sipping his smoothie.

"Niall?" Liam starts, "you do realise he's gay right?"

"So are the bunch of you." Niall shrugs.

"And he was flirting with you." Liam adds.

Niall shrugs again.

"And it really looked like you were flirting back."

Niall goes pink, mouth opened around his straw where he was about to take another drink.

"It didn't look like you were just flirting back, looked like you wanted to bum him right there," Louis pipes in, making Zayn choke on his smoothie.

Liam promptly slaps him, "Don't get backwash in our smoothie."

"You've licked my arse and you are worried about my backwash?" Zayn asks amused. Liam rolls his eyes, taking Zayn's straw from him.

Niall turns completely red, pushing his own smoothie away from him.

"Yeah, you proper lead him on," Liam replies, seeing the struggle on Niall's face

Niall lets out a loud groan in reply, "Well we can still be friends, can't we?" he drags it out like a little kid, shoulders slumped and a pout on his lips.

"Of course, ju-" Harry starts,

"-st make sure to let him know you don't like cock." Louis finishes, and Harry glares at him playfully.

"You too are so cute," Niall says, sipping his smoothie again, "it's disgusting."


They go back to the hotel early to get dressed for a fancy dinner.

Niall's surprisingly the first one done getting ready, already showered and spiffed up his hair, looking proper handsome. He is in nice, fitting denims, a white t-shirt, and a thin, black coat; hair the crown jewel, perfect for lasting the night as he pushes away the half empty can of hairspray.

Liam and Zayn surprisingly take the longest. They decided to take a shower together, thinking it would 'save time.' Save time ending with Zayn on his knees and loud moans echoing on the walls of the bathroom.

When the two of them stumble out into their hotel room with just their pants on, they scream and jump back, before realising it's just Niall sitting on their bed and flipping mindlessly through their channels.

He looks over to them lazy after locking his phone, eyebrows furrowing, "Why is Zayn in lady knickers?"

Meanwhile, Harry is slipping up his own pair of knickers. They are cheekies of red lace, a black heart of see-through sheer on the back. When Louis strolls out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist, he taps Harry's bum lightly, purring a soft, "Sexy Styles tonight, are we?"

He sits on the bed and grabs Harry's waist, a sweet, intoxicating scent of honeysuckle fumes from the hotel body wash drowns his nose, and he kisses Harry's bare tummy. He went to use some of the same body wash as well, but it was completely gone. He isn't sad, no, he knows Harry is trying. That's what matters.

Harry smirks, turning around and shaking his bum in Louis' face. In his head, he is dancing to Partition by Beyonce, shaking his hips to the beat that's so clear in his mind. Louis is moaning behind him, palming himself through the slip in the towel. That's when Harry smirks again, pulling his jeans up the rest of the way and buttoning them up with a smack to his own arse.

"Haaaarrrrryyyy," Louis whines, falling back against the bed.

When they all meet in the hallway, Niall is texting on his phone, glancing up to Harry and Louis and muttering a, "Did'ya know Zayn wears lady knickers?"

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