~•Chapter 2•~

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I actually thought he was kinda cute. But playboys will be playboys. That doesn't mean I can't be nice to him. I mean, i can try to help him. Everyone has a backstory, maybe he will tell me his one day and I ciuld help him. But for now, I'll do what I can to help him.



Marinette's Pov

Another day at my new school. Yesterday was quite interesting don't you think? The look on Adrien's face was totally priceless.

Currently I was sitting in class waiting for the bell to ring. Oddly I arrived at school quite early. Heck! I reached soo early only the principal was there. Now that is shocking.

Waiting for my new found friends to arrive I plugged in my headphones, began listening to music and decided to work on a sketch for a new dress. Being soo caught up in my skeyching I didn't even notice Adrien, Nathaniel and a few more students come in until I heard.....

Adrien's Pov

Yesterday's photoshoot was interesting, but today I have a new mission, make Marinette fall in love with me. I arrived in class to see Marinette drawing something while listening to some music. It looked as if she didn't even recognise me and the other few students.

I wonder what she is drawing though?

"Hey Marinette!" I said to get her attention. It seemed to worked because she fell off her seat.
"Adriennnn!!!!! Don't scare me like that. You made me mess up my sketch!!" She said annoyed.
"Sorry. I was just wondering what you were drawing." I replied
She sighed, " If you are soo curious I am drawing a sketch for the new line our parents were releasing soon. Its supposed to be a summer dress but not anymore thanks to you."
"Wow. Thats awesome. Do you make some of the clothes you model?" I said with my charming smile i use one every other girl.😏
"Yes I do Mr. Agreste now can i get back to my dress?" She answered still annoyed.

Damn. I must've really pissed her off. Fiesty, I like it. Wait-

No no no Adrien you don't like it you're just gonna get her to fall in love with you, thats your mission. Not you falling for her. Ugh.

"Yeah sure go ahead." I said.

Marinette's Pov

"Yeah sure go ahead." Adrien said.


He really pissed me off there. The dress was actually turing out good. Agh.

But I gotta admit, that smile he flashed there was cute. Hold up-!

No No No. Bad Marinette Bad Marinette. He is a play boy don't be fooled by that cute smile and gorgeous green eyes and his bright golden hai-

I dropped my head on my desk
This. Is . Gonna. Be. A. Long. Day.


That was the longest day at school ever. Adrien coming up to me randomly to see what i was doing, Alya asking about Adrien and so on so on..............

Now. Here I am. At the park. For. My Next. Photoshoot. With Adrien. Damnit.

Ok Marinette breathe. Remember you said you were trying to help him NOT FALL FOR HIM. Just relax and carry
on with the ballet photoshoot. Yaayyyy( Note the sarcasm)

Adrien's Pov (srry for changing povs so much)

Here I am, at another photoshoot. Sigh. At least I'm not alone like before right? This ballet thing is NOT working out for me. Sure I can do ballet, it is one of the many skills I was taught as a child before my mother left, but its not really my favourite.

"Ok now stare at eachother in a loving way." The photographer said in his accent.

I looked over to Marinette with an un-readable expression. Lets just get this over with. I thought to myself

Unknowingly the same exact thought was going through Marinette's mind.

While staring into Marinette's beautiful blue bell eyes i noticed there were little spekts of dark blue. I also saw kindness. Her eyes were simply breathe taking. I can stare into them all day. But all things must come to a stop.

"Ok thats it for today's photoshoot. You kids can stop looking at eachother like that now😏" said the photographer with the widest smirk on his face.

We jumped apart, both of our cheecks were red in embarrassment.

What is this feeling? Is this all because of Marinette. No no no of course not. She's just like any other girl thats wamts me for my money and fame. That is IF she wants me. Sighhh. Tomorrow's a new day, hopefully a better one.

Hello my darlings, those of you who still has this book. I am super sorry for not updating when I said I would. A lot has been going on especially with this Cronoavirus. My country has 57 now. Still not as much as the US and the UK but it is scary.Anywhoooo, i updated this at 11:44 p.m. (idk why I publish arounf this time) because today was Mon Anniversaire(my birthday). I only turned 14 but thats fiiinneeee😂.
Anyways, I will try to update soo, until then byyyeeeeee😁

~Love Aaliya💖

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