~•Chapter 3•~

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What is this feeling? Is this all because of Marinette. No no no of course not. She's just like any other girl thats wamts me for my money and fame. That is IF she wants me. Sighhh. Tomorrow's a new day, hopefully a better one.


Marinette's Pov

Damn, is all i can say at this moment. Just an hour ago Adrien and I were modelling. Not just modelling but we had to do as if we were a couple. AAGHHH. I have to admit though that I easily got lost in his eyes for that last pose.


They were soo mesmerizing I couldn't even look away. Heck! I didn't even notice the photographer said that we can stop looking at eachother, until Adrien pulled away. But can you seriously blame me?!I mean his eyes are the most gorgeous thing I've seen. Wait-

I'm rambling again🤦🏻‍♀️Crap!
Bad Marinette bad Marinette. Stop thinking like thaaaattttttttt God damnit.

Ok now I'm going crazy. I. Am. Talking. To. MYSELF.

I groaned and threw myself on my bed.

Maybe some sketching would take my mind off of him.

I got out my sketchbook and began sketching. BUT! My mind does not want to cooperate with me. I only seem to think about Adrien. Why you ask? I DON'T KNOW!!!😭

Without even realising I was drawing something. I don't know what but my hand seems to have a mind of its own. When my hand was done I looked at what 'I' drew.

And of course, it was Adrien.🤦🏻‍♀️

"I take it that you like your new partner😏." Someone said behind me causing me to fall off my chair.
"Oh hey mom." I groaned. Wait- did she just-
"Of course not mom. He is just a friend (did you get the expression😏no? Ok then...) and I can NEVER like someone like him." (you sure about that Mari?😏 ok Imma shut up and write the story) I retorted.

"Sure sweetheart if you say so. If you come home with him saying he is your boyfriend don't say I didn't tell you so.😏" She said scurrying out my room.


*Time skip to le next day brought to you by my laziness*

Adrien's Pov

Ok Adrien. Focus. Do not stray off your mission. Marinette is just a friend. And my modelling partner. No biggie. Right?

I arrived at school super early today for some reason. Not a single soul. Only the janitor. Yayy.(note le sarcasm) What am I supposed to do now. Study?! Ha. Guess I have to sit and do nothing for an entire HOUR.

*30 mins laterrrr*


I jumped awake. Damn. I fell asleep. I looked up expecting to see a confused teacher but instead I found a concerned Marinette.

"Are you ok? What are you doing here so early?" She asked clearly concerned.
"I could ask you the same thing." I said smirking but she just looked at me unamused. I sighed. "I arrived extra early today and i had NOTHING to do sooo......yeah."
"Oh. Well I had an early morning photoshoot this morning so that's why I'm early. I was expecting it to be me alone but I saw you here." She replied.
I looked around only to see teachers just arriving along with a few of the older kids.
"Sooooo..... What you wanna do?" She said breaking the silence.
"I don't know."
"Oh oh I know I know," i chuckled at her antics, " how about we try getting to know eachother better since you know, photoshoots and classmates and all."
"Sure. Why not."
"Ok ok. Me first. What's your favourite color?" She asked
"Hmmm. Green and black. I always liked those colors and everyone thinks its a weird combination." I replied
" Oh. Well I think its a nice combination. My favourite color is pink, red and black."
"Cool. Ok I've got a question. What's your favourite animal?"
"That's an easy one. Ladybugs for sure." She answered
"Sweet. Mine is black cats. Weird huh." I finished with a nervous chuckle
"I don't think its weird. I think its cute." She giggled.

God. That giggle can melt my entire soul. NO. Bad Adrien. No.
I've got to admit though, she's not like any other girl I've met. She's sweet and caring.

The next 10 minutes were filled with laughter and other questions such as your birthday, favourite foods, what flavour ice-cream you prefer and so on and so on.

"Ok ok, I've got a serious question, so no fooling around ok?" She said.
"Ok fine." I answered.
"Good. So my question is, how come you're a so-called play-boy and break girls heart. I mean you seem like such a nice guy to do that."
I was shocked. I didn't expect that coming. Should I tell her. But if I tell her she might make fun of me.

"What I mean is that I heard from Nino that you weren't always like that and you were such a sweet guy. What happened?" She ended beginning to ramble a little.

Maybe if I just walk away now I won't have to answer. I can just avoid her. Right? Sigh.

"If I tell you you have to promise and I mean PROMISE not to tell anyone OR laugh at me ok?"
She nodded
"Ok. Ummmm...you see...I..."
"It's ok you don't have to tell me if you're not ready I mean if you're not comfertable talking that's ok I unders-" she began before I interrupted.
"No no it's ok. I never told anyone about this before. Not even Nino and I...it makes me..feel.....unloved...i guess.."

That statment probably shocked hef because her eyes opened as wide as a saucer.


"When I was small, my parents, brother and I were a happy family. We always played together and went on all sorts of adventures. But then, one day, my twin brother, Felix, went missing. We searched the entire city and still we couldn't find him. That's when things began to go down hill. Mom became depressed and so did Dad. He began locking himself in his office, overloading himself with work trying to forget everything. My mom couldn't take it and she began...changing. She stopped talking to me and coming at night to reassure me everything would be ok. A year passed and we were falling further apart. Mom decided she had enough so she packed up everything and....left. Dad stopped talking as well and began to reject me. He signed me up for several extra curriculars and modelling. That made me feel like I wasn't worthy of being loved for myself. Just my face." I ended. I didn't even noticed I started crying until Marinette wiped my tears.

That shocked me. Then she said in a soothing voice, "Adrien, it's ok. That's nothing to be ashamed of. Well now you've got me and I am always here to help you if you need anything. I'm here. You don't have to feel that way again." She ended by hugging me.

I hesitated but hugged back.

It was at that moment, I realised that I, Adrien Agreste, the school's bad boy, had fallen in love with his modelling partner.

Hellooo my fellow readers. How ya doin'. Lo siento (sorry) for not updating soon. I was on the worst thing a writer could ask for. Can you guess???

Writer's block!!! Dun dun duunnn.

Anywayssss, hope y'all are keeping active during this quarantine cause I definitely am😁 (note sarcasm) stay safe and keep santized and remember social distancing.😂I'll try to updat soon though until then byyeeeee my miraculers

~Love Aaliya💖

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