~•Chapter 6•~

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I had a quick shower, changed into my pjs and laid in my bed. The last thing that came to my mind before drifting off to a deep slumber was...



Marinette's POV

I groaned to the sound of my annoying alarm. Did I ever mention that I was NEVER a morning person. I sighed sleepily, took off my alarm and got out of bed. I washed my face hoping it would wake me up more.

It was FREAKING 5 A.M.

I know what you're thinking, why the hell am I up so early.

Well, being a model and everything I have to stay in shape, meaning I have to work out. Every morning I'd go for a run but the last few days I didn't because 1. I over slept and 2. I had a photoshoot.

So today was my 'lucky' day.

I got my stuff and set out for my run. The sun was rising and in the city of Paris, it is a sight to see for sure.

Too caught up in the scenery I bumped into someone, making both the person and me fall.

"OMG I'M SOO SORRY I WASN'T LOOKING WHERE I WAS GOI-" I stopped when I looked up. It was...


"Marinette? Are you ok? Sorry I wasn't looking where I was going either." He said sheepishly.
"Oh, I'm ok. What are you doing up so early?" I asked.
"Morning run. Father wants me to run every morning to stay in shape for you know, modelling and stuff." He replied
"Ohh. Make sense. Well same reason here......................OH! THAT REMINDS ME, how'd it go with you father last night?" I asked rather concerened.
"He wasn't really happy but he agreed to give me a day off every now and then. So it kinda worked out. What about you. What did your parents say?" He asked

I froze. I didn't want him to know that I had told my parents and make him feel bad...

"They took it ok. But I have to make a few designes for the new fashion line coming soon to make up for it." I replied with a nervous laugh. But hey. At least I wasn't fully lying. I mean I do have to help woth designing to make up for it soo......yeah😂.

We continued running cause apparently we basically have the same route so we ran together. Coincidence huh? We stopped a few blocks away from my house when I looked down at my watch to check the time. It was 7 A.M.

"It's 7 already, we should pribably head home and start getting ready for school" i said looking up at my watch.

And it was at that moment...I knew...that I...messed up (I am a good child so therefore I shall not say the actual phrase as you know what it is you can read it how you want to😌😂 ok imma shut up and write ze story now💀)

Blue met green...
We starred at each other...
Nothing breaking the eye contact...
Not a sound...
Not a soul...
Not a peron...

Just blue and green...

I sighed dreamily on the inside. His eyes were the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Electic green eyes starring right into my soul. I even say little specks of dark green.

Then...we both started leaning in. Inches away from each other. I even felt his breath on my lips. Jus as we were about to kiss.....................................


We jumped apart. 5 feet apart (get it😏 no? Ok.......carry on......) I loocked at my phone.


I sighed.

"S-sorry Adrien m-my mom wants me home to get ready in t-time for s-school." I stuttered out.
"N-no problem! I-I should probably get going to." He replied rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
"Y-yeah uhh b-bye" I waved
He waved bye and we scurried off to our homes.

Mom really needs to work on her timing.


I shouldn't be mad. I should be happy I didnt kiss him. But seriously though in the moment everything just went bleh...y'know? Like the ONLY thing ther was were Adrien and I. No one else. Just us...wait...


*le magic time skip brought to you by my croissant🥐 and cinnamon roll*

Adrien's POV

"It's 7 already, we should pribably head home and start getting ready for school" Marinette said looking up from her watch.

And it was at that moment...I knew...that I...messed up (😌😂)

Blue met green...
Ocean met forest...

Marinette had the most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen. It was like an ocean that I got lost in.

It was like not a single soul could break this moment...
Before I knew it, I was leaning in, and so was she.

Inches away...
Just a little bit again and...




We jumped five feet apart.

"S-sorry Adrien m-my mom wants me home to get ready in t-time for s-school." She stuttered out.
"N-no problem! I-I should probably get going to." I some how managed to reply rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
"Y-yeah uhh b-bye" I waved

I waved good-bye and we both scurried off to our homes.

Thank god! If I stayed there any longer I SWEAR TO GOD I WAS GONNA DIE😭 I was a blushing mess. Practically a nervous wreck! How am I going to face her at school?!?!
So this is what those girls used to think when I used to 'date' them. Well, I regret it now. It certainly is NOT fun.

Bonjour mes lecteurs (hello my readers)
How are yall??

Hope u guys are staying safe and staying sanitized 😷

Please vote and comment where you think this book will be going...(i already have the plot so I won't steal your ideas i promise💖) I wanna see how creative you guys can get...and I will try to respond to your comments

I tried updating as soon as possible and sorry if its kinda short😅........ALSOOO, i wanna do a Q and A so you guys can ask my ANY question and I'll answer them❤

Until next time

~Love Aaliya💖

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