~•Chapter 5•~

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"There they are! I FOUND THEM!"

I could have sworn I heard Adrien say 'Really dude. NOW?!?!' But before I could say anything we were running.

Here we go again...


Marinette's POV

We were running for our dear lives. These fans are CRAZY AS HELL.

"Hey there's an alley. We can circle around the block and hide in there for a bit." He said
"Good thinking Adrien"

We ran around the block and reached the alley. We hid and watched as the mob of crazy fans run off.

"Is..this..a...regular thing...for...you?" I asked in between breaths.
"Yeah. You never had people run after you in China?" He asked confused.
"No. I was never allowed out other than doing photoshoots. Mostly because my parents were scared I'd get kidnapped or something" I laughed.
He laughed with me. "Don't worry, you'll get used to it in no time" he said chuckling.
"Soooo....what do you wanna do? If we go out there now they will find us so we have to stay here for a bit." I said.
"How about we continue the game from this morning?" He replied
"Sure , why not"

"Ok, how come you can run so fast?!" He asked still shocked I was that fast.
She chuckled, "Because, I was taught self defense and is very athletic. That wasn't even the fastest."

My jaw dropped.

"What?!" What'd you say we go a race some time. Not to brag but I'm pretty athletic myself." I replied running my hand through my hair.
"Sure. But will you be able to take a beating" she laughed.
"Ha ha very funny" i laughed sarcastically.

"Ok ok, my turn. What is your favourite thing to do when you're bored?"
"I would draw or design something. And I will most likely hang out with my friends." I replied
"What about you?" I asked
"Oh, I don't really have free time and when I do I usually do homework or study. Father has my scheduele filled to the brim" he laughed.
"Oh. Sorry"
"It's fine. You'll get used to it over time." He waved it off.
"Ok then..."
"Do you like modelling more or designing?" He asked
"Designing obviously." I giggled.

Adrien's POV

The next 30 minutes we were laughing and enjoying ourselves without anyone telling us what to do. It began getting dark so we decided to head on hime and face the fury of our parents.

"You want me to walk you home?" I asked.
"Sure. I don't have a problem with that" She replied.

We began walking out the alley towards Marinette's home. After approximately 20 minutes we were outside Marinette's mansion.

"Thank you for walking me home Adrien. Today was fun."
"No problem. It was my pleasure. Thanks for hanging out with me Mari"
"Yeah. I mean your nick name. You don't like it?"
"No no its fine." She giggled


"Bye Adrien. See you tomorrow and good luck with your father." She said and kissed my cheek.
"Uh-um...yeah. See you tomorrow a-and thanks." I stuttered.

She gave a sweet smile that could have melted me and ran inside.

I arrived home to find my father in my room waiting for me. At this point I didn't really care because I had a great day with Marinette and not even his lecture could ruin that.

"Adrien! Where have you been. We've been searching for you all over Paris!"

"I was getting bored at a 3 hours long photoshoot. What do you expect? Father, I'm a teenager and I need some free time in my scheduele. This gets overwhelming everyday." I argued.

My fathet sighed. Wow. That was the first time I stood up to my father. And my I say DAAYUMM. I did GOOD.

"Very well. I'll give you some free time. But! You must not run off like that ever again. Understand?" He said

"Yes yes yes father. Thank you thank you thank you." I rushed and hugged him.

This was the first REAL hug i had with my father since my mother left. And lets just say, it was nice.

Marinette's POV

I really got to know Adrien and turns out, he isn't just the playboy they say he is. He's actually a great guy. He's just been through a lot and had no one the go to so he took out his emotions on others.

We decided to go home to face the wrath of our parents, well his parents. I actually told my parents that I needed a break so I left. They didn't really seem upset.


I have to make it up to them by designing a few dresses for the new fall line coming out next month. Not that I mind though. As I was about to walk off Adrien said, "You want me to walk you home?"
I didn't want to make him upset seeing that he would get in trouble so why not soend more time with him.

"Sure. I don't have a problem with that." I replied.

We walked and finally arrived at my mansion.

"Thank you for walking me home Adrien. Today was fun."
"No problem. It was my pleasure. Thanks for hanging out with me Mari"
"Mari??" I asked confused.
"Yeah. I mean your nick name. You don't like it?" He said in a panicking voice.
"No no its fine." I giggled. He sighed a relief.
"Bye Adrien. See you tomorrow and good luck with your father." I said and kissed his cheek.
"Uh-um...yeah. See you tomorrow a-and thanks." He stuttered out.

I smiled and ran inside before my blush can take me over.

I raced to my room, locked my door and plopped onto my bed. I jugged my memories from today and today was really fun.


But his cheek was really soft though. Ofcourse his cheek would be soft Marinette he is a FREAKING MODEL. Sigh.
But when I kissed him I felt this tingly feeling inside me. Weird. Probably from the ice-cream.

I had a quick shower, changed into my pjs and laid in my bed. The last thing that came to my mind before drifting off to a deep slumber was...


Haaiiiii. Here is the update I promised. Sorry again for taking soo long😅

Anyways hope you enjoyed it and leave a vote. Also if there is anything you don't like or I can improve on just lmk😊

See you soon

~Love Aaliya💖

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