19. Talk with Eunbi

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"Eunbi?" Jisoo saw the girl

"Jisoo?, kim Jisoo?" The girl widen her eye's.

"How are you- God sent you huh?" Eunbi asks

"How did-"

"Same here" Eunbi smiled

"What brings you here?" Eunbi asks her handing her a coffee.

"I saw this shop and decided to try it out" Jisoo carefully lifted the cup,

"I haven't seen you since Wendy-"

"Yeah, I couldn't find her though"

"Ah, so what's your wish?" Eunbi asks her.

"You know Park chaeyoung?"

"Shut up, you got her!" Eunbi was amazed.

"Wow, I got Lee" Jisoo smiled

"Aw!, That's cute!" Eunbi and Her were so obvious back then,

"Yeah, how is it like?"


"Chu, I got-" Jisoo grabbed her legs

"No! Don't leave me with that demon!" Jisoo begged her

"I'm just going to be at practice" Rosé smiled and patted Jisoo's head.

"Please?" Jisoo pouted

"Won't work with me Kim"


"I'm not Lisa, nor Tiffany" Jisoo let her go,

"I'll be back before you know it."

"Why does she have a dog?" Eunbi asks her

"She found him" Jisoo said angrily

"Here" Eunbi gave her a chocolate Muffin.

"I mean, why do humans even like those things?!"

"Just happiness then sadness"

"He peed on my bed and now I'm sleeping on the floor" Jisoo sighs

"Why didn't you tell her?"

"Because I don't want to be much of her responsibility, She lets me live with her. That's enough for her" Jisoo states a point.

"True, have you talked to Jeongyeon or Nayeon lately?"

"Last time I checked, Nayeon had a breakdown and told me that She loves Jeongyeon. But, Jeongyeon lost her memory"

"So it was true"

"What was?"

"It was a rumor that Jeongyeon gave up her memory just to be with Nayeon" Eunbi says

"You where there?"

"No, because I was already on Earth before"

"The only person to ask would be-"

"Nayeon!, Wake up!" Jeongyeon shook her awake,

"What time is it?" Nayeon rubbed her eyes.

"Not important!, But hurry up!" Jeongyeon says excitedly,

"Hold on" Nayeon grabbed her robe and slippers on while Jeongyeon then dragged her to the roof.

"It's still dark?" Nayeon was confused why on Earth would they-

The sky slowly turned orange with yellow and the sky was slowly turning a different shade of blue.


"See?, I knew you'd like it!" Jeongyeon smiled,

"I also- H- hey why are you crying?" Jeongyeon asks the girl as she wiped her tears away.

"Huh?" Nayeon touched her cheek to feel the wetness,

"I'm okay" Liar

"I see, here" Jeongyeon handed her coffee.

"Did you stay up all night?" Nayeon asks before blowing on her coffee,

"Kinda" Jeongyeon yawns

"But I knew you would've like to see"

How did?-

"You never saw a sun rise?" Jeongyeon asks her

"Nope, I would want to see one one day but I'm too lazy"

"One day you'll see one"

"How did you know?"

"I guessed, knowing you. You're too lazy yourself"

"You know me too well" Nayeon smiled and sat on the blanket laied out for them.

"You can sleep if you want"


"You stayed up to watch out, I'll wake yo-" Nayeon saw the girl with her head on her shoulder sleeping.

"You were always a fast sleeper"

"I promise to not leave you again" Nayeon whispered softly as the girl was asleep.

"Not this time"

"Where are they?"

"Here" Eunbi gave her and address.

"It's all I know the sun's rising, wanna help me?"

Jisoo stored the paper and nods

"I always wanted to work at a bakery again"

"Oh I forgot abou-"

"Let's do this!" Jisoo walked with a chef's hat and an black apron.

"You are such a kid" Eunbi shook her head,

"If Wendy was here then it would be crazy" Jisoo smiled.

"I'll bake, you wipe the tables"

"Who knows, maybe we'll be together this time"

"Who Knows" Nayeon looked at her and smiled feeling her heart beat like crazy.

"Rosé!, You gotta have your team go here!" Jisoo says as she was wiping tables down,

"We'll be there" Rosé smiled

"It's amazing"

"Plus you get to see me too!"

"Who's with Dalgom?" Rosé asks

"Moonbyul and solar"

"You little shit" Moon saw him cuddled up with solar.

"He like me!" Solar says excited

"Yeah..." Bastard!

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