38. Wendy

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"Umm, We'll just walk" Nayeon say to Jennie,

"Be careful, Okay guys I got work see you later!" Jennie waves before her and her manager leaves.

"Ready to meet Wendy?" Nayeon smiles

"Yeah..." No.

"Let's go then!"

"By the way how did you even find her?" Nayeon asks,

"Rosé" Jisoo simply says.

-Few moments later-

"I can't!" Nayeon and Jisoo both stopped in front of a café, It wasn't popular of what they're aware of. It seemed simple and a few people where there,

"We're going in" Nayeon pushed Jisoo who stood still unmoving.

"N-no! Please!" Jisoo begged her

"It's your sister Jisoo!"

"So?! I can't-"

"Knock it off before I tell him to reduce your days" Nayeon threatened her.

"You wouldn't!"

"Oh how I would bitch"

"Fine." Jisoo walked pushing the door causing a little bell to ring, She sat at a table before looking at the blonde who was wiping a counter.

The blonde turns around-

Same bangs, same length of hair, and same face.

"Hi! I'm Wendy!" Wendy smiles widely,

"What would you care for today?" Wendy asks her bringing out her notepad.

"I'll have a coffee and a croissant" Jisoo says

"You know, You seem familiar. Have we met before?"

If you ever stepped or heard a crunch of a dry old leaf, That's how her heart broke- Into little pieces.

"No" Jisoo says, From outside Nayeon could see Something wasn't going right. So she went right in-

Wendy left to go make the girl coffee, as Nayeon sat in front of her.

"Are you okay?" Nayeon asks,

"I have to use the restroom" Jisoo stood up before rush into the ladies restroom where she locked herself in a stall.

She was overwhelmed with emotions that she couldn't take it, She felt her eyes go blurry as she started to cry. She couldn't hold back how much it hurt her. Wendy was back but not her's, She doesn't remember her.

"Jennie" She dialed the girl on her phone hoping she'd pick up,


"Jennie, C-can you pick me up?" Jisoo choked back her sob

"Yeah, they rescheduled for later. Where are you?"

"A café by the apartment" Jisoo sniffs

"Are you okay Jisoo?"

"Y-yeah, I'll tell you later" Jisoo hung up before calling someone else.


-back home-

Rosé was at the studio practicing for her next upcoming album, her phone rung so she answered it. Puting it on speaker, as her hands hurt from all the choreography.


"Hey Chaeyoung"

"Jisoo! Did you land already?"

"Yeah, Just waiting for Jennie to pick me up. What are doing? You sound tired"

"Practice, My company has been working me to the bone lately."

"That sucks, Don't forget to drink water and eat too"

"Okay mom" Rosé looked back as she backup dancers were watching, She turned back embarrassed.

"When are you coming home?" Rosé asks

"Miss me already? Probably next week? But I'll be back with Jennie so tell Lisa too"


"I know you miss me"

"As if!"

"What was that pause? Hmm Pasta? I'm blushing~"

"Chu, Stop. You're on speaker" Rose warns her


"YAH KIM JISOO!" She shouts blushing.

"You're evil" Rosé covered her face,

"I better go, Jennie's here. I'll talk to you later yeah?"

"Yeah, See you" She hung up before she heard-

"You two are so cute together" someone says

"Let's not focus on my love life please."

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