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When your time is almost up, You'll experience "Fading" You'll get cracks on your skin, You'll be much slower than usual, and lastly- You'll start to see stuff.

The last step is where you actually die and then wake up again, You can possibly go back or stay forever in the 'White room'.


"JENNIEEEE!" Chaelisa was quick to hug them as they finally made it back home,

"Welcome back!"

"It's good to be back"

"Where's Nayeon?" Jeongyeon asks Jisoo,

"She had somewhere to go" Jisoo shurgged.

"Jisoo, I feel like she's hiding someth-"

"MINA!" They turned to see Nayeon hugging Mina, Nayeon was wearing sunglasses and a scarf as it was hiding her neck very well.

"Are you okay?" Mina whispered to her,

"Yeah, Just tired" Nayeon laughs, Mina knew already as Jeongyeon watched in jealousy.

"Should we go home ladies?" Lisa asks

"Yeah, Who knew a plane would make me tired" Jisoo held her head, as Rosé carried her suitcase.

"You're suitcase is very light! What did you pack?!"

"Food, Jennie bought it for me so nobody will think I'm working for the government or whatever."

"I mean it is weird to show up with nothing" Jeongyeon adds,

Every person's "Fading" is different, It's not all the same. They can be dying as soon as they get the crack, They can go blind, Mute, Or just disappear.

The white room is unknown, Nobody has ever made it out. It's permanent, Once You leave that's it. You die.

"Hey where's Eunbi?"

"She's at the café as usual" Jeongyeon rolled her eyes,

"Maybe we can pay her a visit tomorrow?" Nayeon suggested

"Yeah, I'm free"

"I'm always free"

What if Eunbi knew about this?

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