50. Fallen angel

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"Shit Lisa where are you?" Jisoo whispered under her breath as both Her and Yeri walked down the hallway,

"We should split u-"

"YERI!" Jisoo yelled as Yeri was taken underground. She looked around but nothing-

"Don't Mess with me Kim" She was quick but she saw nothing in front of her,

"I'll take your little Rosé first" She heard his laughs as she clenched her jaw, He's not take Rosé over her dead body.

"Come out you coward!" She yelled but was pushed down to the floor,

"You bastard!" She yelled but looked up to see Lisa.


"What are you doing?"

"Lisa go back ins-" Lisa looked at her in fear as Jisoo looked behind her seeing it was Him.

"Just go!" Jisoo kicked him on the leg causing him to almost fall, Lisa ran past them before going into the room with her gun in hand.

"Everyone shut up!" She warned as she stood besides the door,

"Yeri!" Jisoo called but he laughed-

"You think she'll come back? Yeri was just a little pond" He grabbed Jisoo lifting her up and throwing her against the wall.

"I-I'm not a POND!" Yeri suddenly appears and punched him right in the face,

"Jisoo, take them away from here now"



"No! I'll do it!"


"Fine whatever" Yeri rolled her eyes but he got up quickly and brought her down but Jisoo pushed her in time-

"Jisoo!" Yeri screamed as Jisoo fell into the black hole.

She fell and saw it was her nightmare,  Her older sister laying on the floor covered in her own pool of blood.

"Wendy?" She stood up as seeing it was still the same as her memory,

"It was your fault" Wendy lifted her head up and looked at Jisoo, "I died because of you"

"N-no, I didn't-"

"I risked my life to save you but soon you'd be dead too, What a waste" Wendy laughs as Jisoo glared at her.

"SHUT UP!" She yelled and closed her eyes shut before it went silent,

"C-chu?" She opens them again seeing it was Rosé now in her own blood.

"Chaeyoung!" She rushed knowing it was fake but it felt so real, She tried to stop the bleeding as Rosé looked at her weakly.

"Jisoo it's fine..."

"No it's not! I can save you!" She shouts in pain as Rosé grabbed her face and smiled weakly,

"You can't save Everyone"

"Yes I can!" She pressed her hands against the wound and tried to heal it but it wouldn't work.

"N-no, Damn it Chaeyoung!" She freaked out before hearing the sound of a gun,

"Times up my friend" Nayeon giggled before the gun went off-

"We need to help her!" Rosé objected,

"It's too dangerous!" Lisa says sternly.

"I don't care! That's Jisoo were talking about!" Rosé proceeds to protest, "She's saving all of us and-"

"No! Are you crazy?!" Jennie joined in,

"Maybe I am! But I'm going to save her!" Rosé pushed Lisa but Lisa wouldn't budge.

"Lisa please!"

"Shit! We need to get her out!" Yeri panicked,

"What if we don't?" Eunbi asks her

"She'll be forever stuck in her nightmare... She's gonna die soon"

"Damn it Nayeon" Jeongyeon shook her head before taking off her jacket and handing it to Eunbi,

"You better have my back IM" She mutters as she walked away to Him,

"Hey asshole! You're gonna regret that!" She yelled grabbing his attention.

"Try me kid!" He snickers as she took a deep breath,

"Jeongyeon!" Nayeon shouts as she punched the white wall,

"Nobody escapes" One said as they all watched her.

"She needs me!" Nayeon shouts as tears welled up in her eyes,

"Jeongyeon I'm not giving up yet!" She screamed

"Jeongyeon!" Jisoo screamed as the heat was now hurting her, The house were Nayeon died was now her turn.

"JEONGYEON!" She shouted with all her might but she fell due to the smoke and heat that it was too much,



"JISOO!" She opened her eyes a bit to see it was Rosé,

"Come on, Let go!" Rosé pulled her up and helped her.

"R-Rosé? How?"

"Yeri, I'm here to save you!" Rosé smiled, but both saw the bloody version of her.

"Where's re you going babe?" Rosé smiled as Rosé looked at her disgusted,

"Get the hell says from her" She threatened her.

"Aren't you gonna save me too?" She asks Jisoo who then threw up,

"I said get away but Bitch!" Rosé pushed her away.

"You're human, You wouldn't have a chance against me!" The Rosé laughed at her mocking her as Rosé looked down before wrapping her arms around Jisoo.

"Maybe I'm human but your stupid enough for us to escape" Rosé smiled cheekily before snapping her fingers.

"You two are back!" Yeri smiled as they were outside,

"Where's Jeongyeon?" Jisoo asks

"Inside" Eunbi looked down as Jisoo looked at her confused.

"Can't she die?" Jisoo asks but both stood silent,

"No." She begged but Eunbi looked away as she blinked away her tears.

"Friends come and go" Yeri says but Jisoo ignored her,

"Not for me!" Jisoo says angrily as she pushed Rosé away and walked back to the building.

"Jisoo!" Rosé shouted,

"We need to go!" Yeri covered her mouth as she told Eunbi who nods,


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