31: There's still hope

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Jeongyeon walked down the familiar hallway and traced her hand against the cold metal,

This is where everything began...

"Hi, I'm Im Nayeon!"

"I'm Jeongyeon"

She saw the white marble floors and dirty White Walls, but there was once place she remembered going to.

"Are you okay?" Jeongyeon asks Nayeon


"Woah, what's up with you?" Jeongyeon stopped her.

"Nothing I'm fine" Nayeon pushes past her

"You're really confusing you know that right?" Jeongyeon confronts her

"You're the one to talk" Nayeon says bitterly

She was alone in the school, everyone was on break and the camera's were off or either broken. Yes, she snuck in into the school- but only to find something she needed too.


"She died to be with you" Eunbi says

"How do-"

"Because she called everyone that night"


Jeongyeon sat in front of the locker that was once her's, She could remember it being it a green color next to Nayeon's light blue.

"How did I die?" She asks herself but nothing.

"Do you really want to know?" She jumped when she saw herself?

"What are you?!" She backs away as the thing came closer,

"You died because of Nayeon" It tells her


"You died because after she died, you couldn't feel but guilt since it was your fault"

"What are you?" She asks

"I'm you're nightmare" it touched her forehead making Jeongyeon pass out.


"She died for me?" Nayeon asks


"I don't know?, if she had her memory back then yeah! She could tell you but I don't know"

"The only person that is good with this stuff is Irene"

"Irene?" Nayeon asks confused

"Irene knows everything" Eunbi tells her

"Even about Wendy too"

"Ah!" Jisoo backed away as Lisa kissed her cheek,

"You were focused on Rosie's photo" Lisa smirked as Jisoo was caught

"No I wasn't!" Jisoo was about to whacked her when Moon came into the room.

"Shall we practice for real now?" She asks

"I don't wanna~" Jisoo says cutely

"Get the fuck out!" Lisa rolled her eyes and pushed her.

"I'll fight you" Jisoo warned her

"Stop it you two! The song you need to cover is this" Moon played the video on the TV.

"Why do we have to do this?" Lisa raised her hand,

"Why do you have to open your mouth?" Moonbyul shot back.


"You'll be given a week to memorize this dance, and no powers" she pointed at Jisoo.

"Damn it!"

"Go off now"

"You should have Rosé teach you" Lisa tells her packing her stuff,

"I probably will, she's good a teacher" Jisoo says packing as well.

"Let's have a bet Kim, whoever does the best. Loser has to pay for their meal" Lisa stuck her hand out,

"Deal." Jisoo's shook it.


As I arrived home I saw Mina talking to Sana, I guess they didn't know I was here because I heard Mina say one thing that made my heart stop.

"Sana, she doesn't remember us" who? Who was it?!

"Hey!" I opened the door seeing them,


"Get away from me!" I could hear Jeongyeon scream

"What's going on?" I asked kicking off my shoes.

"She-" Sana looked at Mina,

"Go look for yourself"


"Unnie stay still!" Dahyun yelled pinning her to the floor.

"Who are you? Nayeon! Nayeon!" Jeongyeon yells

"Shut up already!" Chaeyoung snaps and Tyuzu shoved a sock in her mouth to shut her up.

Jeongyeon looked at them and Nayeon entered the room,

Jeongyeon spits out the sock and tired pushing dahyun off of her.

"Nayeon! Why am I here?" Jeongyeon asks while Nayeon made dahyun get off of her,

"What do you mean?" Nayeon asks her

"Who are they?!" Jeongyeon asks

"From what I remember I was at home... Am I kidnapped?!?" Jeongyeon was about to run when Jihyo opened the door causing the girl to run into the door.

"Oh shi- Jeongyeon!" Jihyo checked her scared herself,

"What happened?" Nayeon asks Dahyun and Chaeyoung carefully.

"Well...." Dahyun says

"Where is she?" Dahyun asks Chaeyoung who was with her,

"Are you sure it says here?" Chaeyoung asks as they looked at the tracker.

"Yeah... Isn't that her?" Dahyun pointed at the body on a girl on the floor,

"Dahyun I swear if this is a prank it isn't funny" Chaeyoung hid behind her.

"It's her!" Dahyun poked the girl and saw the phone,

"What is she doing here?" Chaeyoung looked as she was sleeping.

"Don't know..." Dahyun looked around at what the girl could've possiblity seen,

Jeongyeon too was engraved in a green locker as well as a light blue one but with Im Nayeon on it.

"And that's all, we took her home and she woke up all confused!" Dahyun explained

"I need to call Irene" Nayeon held the little paper Eunbi gave her before taking her phone and typing it in.

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