24. continuation

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"I'm sorry! I know-" Rosé kissed Jisoo to shut her up,

"It's fine Chu"

"I know you don't want your personal life on camera"

"It's fi- what's that?" Rosé looked behind Jisoo.

"Who's there!" She shouted and seeing a phone light disappear,

Jisoo stood up and looked to the bushes and saw guess who!

"What are you doing here?" She saw Eunbi crouched down.

"Joy and Yeri dragged me here!" Eunbi whines

"Why are you guys spying on us?!" Jisoo crossed her arms,

"Because Joy was like oh Wendy said this and we're doing that!" Eunbi stomps her foot.

"Let's go!" Yeri dragged her away,

"Yah!" Jisoo yelled but they took off leaving Rosé and her.

"Should we go back?" Rosé asks

"Yeah" Jisoo says helping her

*On the sidewalk*

"I didn't know It'll rain today!" Rosé says holding her arms together.

"Here" Jisoo took off her jacket and placed it on Rosé


"Just have it" Jisoo placed her right hand in her pocket while her left held the books.

"You know this reminds me of the movies I used to watch" Jisoo looked at Rosé confused,

"They guy and the girl walk to her home after they're date or it would rain"

"I guess I'm the guy then" Jisoo gave her and eye smile.

"Wow, not me?" Rosé teases

"You don't have the guy power, you are kinda but you're the woman"

"I'm the man" Jisoo flexed her muscles.

"With what muscles?" Rosé laughs

"Ouch my heart!" Jisoo says dramatically.

"Thank you for this" She shyly said

"For what?"

"I know you were trying to cheer me up"

"How did you-"

"I heard you and Sunmi talk, you really aren't quiet" Jisoo says looking ahead.

"Did you at least enjoy it?" Rosé asks her

"I did actually" they reached the front gate of the house,

"What are yo-" Jisoo widen her eyes-

"Are you-" Rosé glared at the person

"What are you doing here?!" Rosé says angrily

"I didn't even do anything!" The girl raised her hands quickly.

"Irene?" Jisoo says shocked

"You know her?" Rosé still glared at the girl

"Yeah, She was Wendy's best friend! How did-" Jisoo was cut off by the girl hugging her.

"I don't have much time but here, it's my number call me whenever or wherever. Because you have a lot of explaining, Kim" Irene gave her the little note and backed away,

"I better go, Seulgi will be mad if she saw us together" Irene was walking away when Jisoo turned back.

"Irene!, Be safe!"

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