48. Woah

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"Woah" Rosé gasps seeing the sight of Jisoo as she was in a tank top with shorts on,

"What?" Jisoo turned around confused.

"N-nothing!" Rosé tried so hard not to look at her legs,

"Can you two not?" Lisa groans,

"Where's your wife anyway?" Rosé asks her.

"Her stupid work!" Lisa says angrily,

"Are you okay?" Jisoo asks her carefully as the Thai will explode.

"NO! Today is our anniversary! And- There's this guy at her job..." Lisa frowns as Rosé patted her back,

"Sometimes I feel like Jennie could do better than me"

"I feel like that with Chaeyoung, But I know she can't do better than me so-"


"I mean she's right"

"Fuck you"

"Anyways! Why don't you surprise Jennie?"


"Are you- Nevermind. You two stay out of trouble, I'm gonna go treat myself" Rosé leaves as Lisoo looked at each other.

"First we'll change your outfit" Jisoo grabbed her hands as Lisa laughs,

"You're really enjoying this huh?"



"Hey Roseanne!" I looked to see it was William, He didn't have a shirt on and it looked like he was trying to impress me.

"Hey Will"

"Are you free today?"

"No, I'm very busy" And you just sinned right there Roseanne, great going.

"Oh, would you want me to take you then?"

"No thanks"


"Chaeyoung!" Rosé looked back to see Jisoo who was giving a death stare to Will, Jisoo got even more angry as he was shirtless.

"Oh hey-" Jisoo pinned Rosé to the car as William watched,

"You forgot something" Jisoo said seductively as Rosé blushed.

"Uh" William looked away as the two looked like they were gonna do it on the car,

"What did-" Rosé had a gay panic attack as Jisoo's knee was close-

"I'm gonna go" William left as Jisoo pulled away and smiled.

"See ya later!" She headed back inside as Rosé's legs felt like jelly, She was breathing heavily as She never seen this kind of side of her.


"Chaeyoung left?" Lisa asks Jisoo,


"Stupid Jisoo" William cursed, as he looked at Yeri who was laughing at him.

"Stupid! That girl is gay as hell and you think you'll get her attention?" Yeri giggles, "it was quite a show!"

"Don't you have friends?"

"They're all at hell"


"Jisoo is one though girl Will, I wouldn't be surprised if she was to kick your ass"

"Shut it Yeri!"

"I'm just saying" Yeri raised her hands, Wouldn't be the first time.

"You're a murderer!"

"I'm not, Because you're lying"

"Have fun.... Yeri"

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