Dinner was great. Now it was time to get to the fun part . Me and Gianni have been throwing eyes at each other all night and I was ready to give him my surprise.
I stood in the mirror calming my nerves, looking down at the ring Gianni had given me earlier that night almost tearing up again at the sight of it. He deserved this, I was gonna fuck his head up. I didn't know how this would work out but I had been practicing so I hop it was enough
"Baby!! What you doing in there?" I heard Gianni yell from the bed. At the moment he had a blind fold on and he was probably getting antsy. I was gonna tie up his hand too but I though that may be a little too much.
I walked out the bathroom and made sure everything was perfect before going over to the music turning on the perfect song
when we x Tank
As the music started I walked over to take his blindfold off. He looked into net eyes and then down my body biting his lip
As I kept eye contact I began my dance trying to keep myself as graceful and sexy as possible
AN Aliya Janells dance from YouTube to this song is the dance I had in mind
As my dance came to an end I crawled across the room to the center of his pants rubbing my hands Up and down the goosebumps of his skin.
Girl you know what The hell you doing he said pulling me closer
I wrapped my arms around his neck, Happy Valentine's Daddy
He pulled my closer placing his lips onto mines
"I love you" he mumbled"I love you too"
He stood towering over me and my breath got caught in my throat. Quickly pulling off his shirt I looked over his chest in awe admiring the sight in front of me. He bent over kissing my lips from there as we wrestled for control.
I moaned into the kiss enjoying the moment, it seems like with the Charles issue and the break we haven't really been as intimate. I didn't know how I would react to his touch but being with him now, it seems like those issues were nothing.