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Two months later

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Two months later

The last two months has been wonderful for Gulf and Mew, they had gone on several more dates after the first one.  Sometimes they went to really fancy restaurant, that requires them to wear a jacket ,while other times, they had just simple dates, were they could just wear their everyday clothes.

And at every end of the date,Gulf would plant a peck on his cheeks. That was the only reason Mew was able to let Gulf go after every date, well that and watching that fine ass walk away.

They had just finished having lunch today, and Mew was listening to Gulf talk about how he had a game tomorrow and would not be available to have lunch with him.

"What about on Saturday, are you free then? " asked Mew.

" Well, I usually,use my Saturday morning to do my laundry and other stuff, but by 5pm, I will be free then" said Gulf.

"okay, I will pick you up by 6:30pm then" said Mew smiling.

"Okay, I feel like there is something you are not telling me, " said Gulf.

"It's a surprise and I promise you would like it. " said Mew.

" Well, I have to go now, practice is starting soon, see you tomorrow " said Gulf ,as he was about to leave the car with a bag of left over crispy chicken.

"Hey Gulf, aren't you forgetting something " asked Mew.

Gulf  made a quick survey of himself to know if he forgot something, but he had all his stuff with him,so he turned to Mew about to say he had all his stuff with him, when he sees a smiling Mew pointing at his cheeks and looking anywhere but Gulf, acting like he knew not what he was doing.

Gulf laughed at the man's antics, before leaning forward to give him a peck on both cheeks.
"Can I go now? " asked Gulf  smiling.

"You may, my empress " said Mew.
Gulf could not help, but Linger a bit on the feeling of Deja Vu he felt when Mew said those words. He just smiled then at the man ,and left for football practice.

Gulf arrived at the field to find his teammates already dressed and about to start, so he rushed to the locker room to change from his casual clothes into his jersey.

When he came back to the field he started practicing with his team for a long time, before it was time for a water break.

While he was drinking his water along with champ, Kai, Kong and Song. Gulf was immediately dragged away by Champ to the corner so they could speak away from the earshot of their other friends.

"So when am I going to meet this guy you been going out with, it's been two months already, I am getting tired of making excuses for you when you go on your dates, not that I don't enjoy the leftovers you bring back all the time, it just that I would like to put a face to the man that got my friend sprung, okay" said Champ.

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