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The last five months has been hectic for Gulf, after he left the hospital, he was taken to the new house his father had brought close to his school for him and his unborn child, he was happy he didn't have to worry about curfew anymore.
He became more focused on his school work and taking care of himself and the baby he was carrying.
He had birthing classes and other class for new mothers and the routine check ups with his doctor, gynagologist and baby doctor. He even had a new mom book club he went with other expecting moms, just so he could get insites on raising a new born,his mom went with him to this and some others .
All this he did added to his assignments in school and preparing and writing his exams.
It was now the holidays so his pace was a little slower.

Another thing was his constant tiredness and body aches. He felt like he was always feeling nauseous about certain smell, and he trew up alot, luckily for him, that stopped a month ago .
But the bigger the pregnancy, the more ache he felt in his body, Now he had a mesus that came to message him, every three days, so he could leave his bed in the morning.
His mom was his rock, she was always there for him, helping with everything, she was actually leaving in the house and since it had over seven bedrooms, there was enough space for her and his dad who was now staying in the house, when he had business in Bangkok.

Life was simple and good, he couldn't wait to meet his children, he was so excited about it. But there where the times where he wished Mew was there with him to feel their children kick, or here their heart beats and massage his arching feet, when he needs it. And those time he missed the man he would go to the privacy of his room and cry, until he was really hungry and needed to eat.

He missed Mew so much and hated the man for abandoning him like this.

His friends Song, Koa, Champ and Kong were amazing and supportive after he told them who he really was and that he was pregnant, they completely remained the same treating him like they did before ,He loved them even more so.
They even came to the house most of the time just to check up on him. Kong was the most supportive of the group, helping him out most. He's even went as far as following Gulf to birthing classes, that needed the daddy present as well .He was greatfull to that man. Kong even gave his feet a massage one time when his mesus canceled on him, he was so happy that day, that he cried.
His mom on the other hand, said that Kong had affection for Gulf more than a friend, to which Gulf had laughed and said that woman was seeing things that was not there. If Kong had feelings for him, he would have said something a long time ago not wait until he had fallen in love with Mew, or was pregnant by the man. So he stored that information among the list of things that his mom was exaggerating .

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