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The last two months has been uneventful for Gulf except for his increasing appetite, he could see he had gained alittle weight, but he could careless, it's not like Mew was coming back to him at this point.  Gulf decided to bury himself in his study and the occasional date with P. Thorn at most twice a week.

Kong was so done with this guy, after the whole break up with Mew, that shock everyone, this guy, what's his face Thorn, just appeared. Gulf told them he was a childhood friend,  even though it was clear to all of them that the man saw Gulf as more than that.
Kong had shared his worries with the rest of the group, he was afraid of Gulf getting hurt again. But they had ignored him and said maybe it was a good thing, maybe now Gulf could get over Mew.
And in a sense it did cause Gulf  to stopped talking about getting Mew back ,it was like the man never existed even, he became more focused on school work and quit the football team completely.
This Thorn guy would come and take him out to eat at different restaurants or just watch a movie in the cinema. And Kong assigned himself as Gulf chaperone. Gulf didn't object but the Thorn guy sure did when Kong made it his mission to make those platonic dates of theirs as non romantic as possible.
He did little things that went unnoticed by Gulf, like threatening to kill him if he so much as try anything with Gulf without the man's express consent, or removing his hand from Gulf's back at the movies, or sending him a death glare whenever the man's hands lingered too much on Gulf's back. He was always alert to spoil his plans.

Mrs Kanawut was very happy when Gulf told her on one of their phone calls with Gulf ,that he had gone on a date with Thorn, she was happy because she knew the man and was happy Gulf choose such a responsible man as Thorn.

It was on a Thursday morning, gulf had woken up and immediately visited Mr posoline bow as he threw up last night dinner. This has been going on for over a week now. He always woke up sick, but by the end of the day he went to bed fine.
Today was no different, but he had no time to dwell on it, he had a fixed class by 7:49 and it was already 7am, he had woken up late again.
After throwing up the contents of his stomach, he brushed his mouth and took his bath, before preparing for class.

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