Chap.1: The First Day

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Your POV

1 year ago
"Hey (N/n)-chan! How are you today?" I was cut off by my cousin's scream, Nishinoya's scream, I moved my phone away from my ear

"I-I'm fine uh Yuu- chan why are you calling me?" I asked
"You're going to Karasuno right?" He asked liked he didn't know
"Uhh yeah...why are you as-" I was cut off again
"Join the boys volleyball club!!" He said loudly
"Join the club!" He said loudly, cutting me off in the process and making me mad.
"Can you stop screaming into the phone and cutting me off!" I screamed back

Silence was the only thing you can hear after that. I cleared my throat and said to him. "Why do you want me to join the boys volleyball team?" I said calmly

"Well I want you to join the club to make us better because of your good observing skills." He said seriously, I was surprised he was serious about this since he was never so serious about anything that much really like you can see him breaking a chair every minute.

"So you wanna join?" He added waiting for me to reply.
"Fine I'll join the club." I sighed thinking I have no choice
"YESS! Thank you (N/n)-chan! Meet me at the gym when the first day of class start!"
"All right all right just stop screaming!" I said in reply, I was actually happy helping Yuu-chan's teammates since he taught me how to play volleyball I guess this is what I owe him before.

"Haha sorry anyways bye (N/n)-chan!"
"Bye-bye Yuu-chan."

"Karasuno huh?" I said while looking at my hand and clenching them into a fist.

Present day

While I was walking I saw Yachi in front of me. I caught up with her and said
"Hitoka-chan! Good morning!" She got surprised since we barely play around anymore because of high school.

"Good morning! (F/n)-san!" She said happily. After she said that she looked at my school outfit and said.

"Wait you go to Karasuno too?"
"Yep! Look like you go to Karasuno too." I said obviously "What's your classroom number?" I asked hoping we have the same class.

"1-5 I think what's yours?"
"Aww man I got 1-4 well at least we're close." I replied a little sad that we didn't get the same classroom oh well.

Me and Hitoka-chan were talking until we got to the gate of the school until I remembered that I need to go to the volleyball boys' gym to meet Yuu-chan after the ceremony. I said to Hitoka-chan that I need to go meet my cousin and she should go on, she nodded in return.

After the ceremony
"Well see you later then (F/n)-san!" She waved as I jogged to the gym.

As I was close enough I stopped jogging and walked instead as I was walking I saw the gym door already opened.

I guess someone is pla- "Why're you here?!" I got cut off by someone screaming at the gym. I got to the entrance and saw what was happening.

Wait they're the guys that fought last year! The guy with the black hair is the king of the court and the other guy with orange, fluffy hair is the guy from Yukigaoka that has fast reflexes! They're so cool!

I was amazed by my on thought that they're here but it look like they are not in good terms since the guy with fast reflex lose to him.

"What's your name?" Asked the king of the court, I think his name was Kageyama Tobio.

"I-I'm Hinata Shoyou" said the shrimp well atleast I know their names.

"You're useless." Said Kageyama like its not a big deal and Hinata was offended.

"Y-You wanna fight?!" Said Hinata angrily at Kageyama. This is going bad I need to interrupt this.

"Umm sorry if I interrupted anything but" They startled when they heard my voice and turned to me with big eyes and a hint of blush in their faces.

"I-Is this the volleyball boys' gym?"

Not really sure if this happened in the first day of school really hehe
To be continued 💙 (I will edit this if there is anything wrong)

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