Chap. 3: Classmates

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3rd person POV

After Hinata and Kageyama got punished by their captain because of the ruckus they made this morning, (L/n) is going through the school's hallways to find her class, Class 1-4, when she got their she was hesitating to open the door or not.

'Calm down there's nothing to be scared of'

(L/n) was about to open the door but someone opened it from the inside, she suddenly tripped a little and got caught by the person inside.

"I-I'm s-sorry I didn't mea-" she looked up at the tall, blonde person who caught her, her face turned into a bright red from embarrassment

"Jeez look around will you, oh wait, maybe you can't with that height." The blonde smirked at her reaction but she then said.

"What did you say? I didn't here you up there." She smirked of how the blonde got annoyed and went outside, she rolled her eyes of just what happened.

As (L/n) went inside the classroom she noticed almost all the chairs are taken already but she spot one seat near the window so she walked and sat there claiming it hers.

She got her notebook and wrote down some information about the members of the volleyball club of what they are good and bad at by their appearances.

Your POV
While I was writing, I felt someone touch my shoulder, I turned around and a boy behind the seat next to me with dark green hair and freckles giving me a shy smile then said.

"I'm sorry for his attitude Tsukki is always like that." He ended to which I respond.

"No its fine really but thank you thou." I said and gave a smile in return.

Yamaguchi's POV

'Wow she has a pretty cute smile, wait what am I thinking?, come on Tadashi pull yourself together'

"Um are you alright? You look a little red?"

"N-N-No I-I'm f-fine don't w-worry about m-me!" Gah that was embarrassing my face is red just from her smile.

"Oh by the way my name is (L/n) (F/n) nice to meet you!" She introduced herself and reached her hand out.
"I'm Yamaguchi Tadashi n-nice to meet you too." I held my hand out and we both shook each others hand, her hand was soft and gentle, oh no I might go red again!

I looked at the door and saw Tsukki going in, nice timing Tsukki!

Tsukishima's POV
Looks like the girl is sitting right next to me and spoke with Yamaguchi already

"Oh Tsukki you're back!" Yamaguchi said as I was going to my seat, the girl then looked at me and I gave her a glare for teasing me earlier, well I did tease her so it was only fair.

"Hey I'm sorry again for earlier hehe..." she gave out a cute laugh

"Its fine alright?" I said calmly

"A-Are you ok? You look red."

Shoot I'm blushing did she made me blush?
"Yeah I-I'm alright its nothing really."

"Ok well then my name is (L/n) (F/n) nice to meet you!" She gave a bright smile and held her hand out. I was hesitant to shake her hand but it looks like I have no choice.

"Tsukishima Kei it's nice to know you." We shook each others hand as I look away.

Your POV

Tsukishima, Yamaguchi and I started talking a little bit until the teacher came and class started.

To be continued 💙

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