Chap. 18: Letter

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The school bell rang, telling to students its lunch time. You stood up to go to the bathroom but your best friend called your attention.

"(F/n)-chan! Let's eat at the rooftop together!" You turned around to see Satsuki looking at you weirdly like she wants to talk about something.

"S-Sure you can go I need to use the bathroom first, excuse me." You walked out the room, you didn't mind the people bumping into you, you just want to clear your mind from all the things that just happened with you.

You suddenly found yourself avoiding Tsukishima and Hinata lately but not always, making you not paying attention in class well. You sometimes avoid Kageyama and Yamaguchi. You washed your face, feeling heat crawling towards it.

You accidentally bump into someone. They turned to you looking irritated you don't even know why they would get angry about that. You tried to apologize but they somehow got more furious.

"I'm sorry-"

"Watch where your going shorty!" He grabbed your wrist, making you look up at him. You tried not to hit him in the no-spot to not make any commotion in the hallways. He raised his hand to slap you in the face, you closed your eyes and looked away.

"Oi let her go!" You looked at where the voice came from, it was Kageyama. He glared at the guy making him uncomfortable. You tried to conceal your laughter since Kageyama was being brave but obviously shaking and scared on the inside.

"Tch.." The guy let go of you and walked away.

"Thank you Kageyama-kun." You looked at him with a sweet smile, he looked away with a blush.

"D-Don't mention it here the vending machine gave me two." He threw you a carton of milk out of no where. You thanked him again and walked towards the stairs to the rooftop

He exhaled, releasing the air that he was holding in, the pressure of talking to you made him feel a little tired but happy in the inside.

Your pov

"Finally you're here, what took you so long?"

"Gomen...let's eat I'm starving."

We ate in silence for about 5 minutes until Satsuki pipe up all of a sudden making me almost throw my bento into the air.

"Jeez don't do that all of sudden..." I moved away from her when her face looked at me weirdly again like seriously what's going on with her...

She moved closer and whispered in my ear, "Ne (F/n)-chan~ Who's that handsome little 2nd year ya always with eh~?"

I looked at her with the blankest face that I've ever did, I don't even if she's stupid or have suffering from amnesia, well I can't blame her cause it's me everyday...

"S-Satsuki he's my cousin..."

"WAIT WHAT REALLY?! Dang you guys looked pretty cute tho, his unlucky." She pouted.

Meanwhile Nishinoya
"Nyoya-sum, arg u arigme?" (Noya-san, are you alright?) Tanaka speak with his mouth full of rice as he was worried about his bro, crying will eating a popsicle.

"I don't know if someone is complimenting me or making fun of me..."


"By the way, why are you avoiding Tsukishima lately maybe Yamaguchi too?" I started sweating from the question not sure how to respond really

I took a sip of the carton of milk that Kageyama gave me and thought about what I've been doing. I feel really bad for avoiding them like REALLY bad, it's like I'm not myself.

I sighed and said, "W-Well...Kei-" "Holdup, you just called him by his name! Don't tell me-"

I looked at her intensely in the eyes like telling her to 'don't fcking get the wrong idea and lower you fcking voice'

"Ke-" the school bell rang, informing us lunch is over and go back to our classes. I sighed in relief and told Satsuki I can tell her next time.

At your locker (3rd person pov)

(L/n) to get her stuff that she needs in order to help the boys in training since the Interhigh is nearing. She saw an unfamiliar letter inside, she examined it, wondering what it was.

She looked around the area, finding the person who left it there but there were a lot of people around.

"(L/n)-chan." She turned to the sweet voice that called her.

"Sh-Shimizu-senpai." Kiyoko smiled at her and walked to the gym, (L/n) hid the letter in her bag.

At the gym

Everyone was having their water break, you grabbed the letter and you moved away from them, thinking they won't notice you.

You slowly opened it with your shaking hands, getting nervous and excited to see what it is

Hey (L/n)-san I just want to say you're so cool and smart.
You made me feel different when I saw you at first!,
and you're really cute. I hope you can accept me!

You were reading mid-way until someone started tying your hair into a pony (side pony if you have short hair), making you yelp by surprise. When they were done, you glanced at who it was, it's Kageyama again!

You held your hair and to your surprise it was neatly tied.

"Uh Th-Thank you Kageyama-kun..."

"You were sweating a lot so I tied it up for you." He gazed at what you're holding, you hid it immediately and nervously laughed.

Water break was over and they started training again really hard for the interhigh.

You thought how Kageyama pulled that off without breaking a sweat or stuttering, he must have put his whole courage for that.

Wait was he the one who left the letter? No no I can't see him doing that

"Yamaguchi nice serve!" You looked at Yamaguchi trying to do a float serve but can't get it to the other side.

Did Yamaguchi-kun wrote it?

To be continued 💙

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