Chap.13: Hanging Out

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Takeda-sensei gathered everyone up to give some news about the golden week camp, you weren't too excited about it since it's basically training them but with other schools.

"On the last day, you'll be playing in a practice match!" You looked at the players cheering and thanking Takeda-sensei, your eyes widened in realization when you remembered what Kuroo said to you a while ago.

"One of the schools in Tokyo, Nekoma High!" You looked back at your phone and grinned, letting out a small chuckle.

Bring it on Kuroo...

Time skip!

You flopped into your bed, exhausted from helping the boys, you were about to drift off when suddenly your phone buzzed, receiving a message from someone, it was Hinata.

Smol bean
Hey (L/n)-chan!!!

You didn't expect that Hinata will be talking to you at a time like this. You rolled on your bed with your back facing the bed, you replied to him.

Hey Hinata-kun! What's up!

Smol bean
I was wondering if you wanna hang out with
me at the park 😁

You read it over and over again, making sure your eyes aren't fooling you, blush then dusted your cheeks, thinking and hesitating what to reply.

Hinata on the other end is hitting himself with a pillow for asking a dumb question.

Why did I say that?! I mean I wanted to but... arghh!!

Yeah sure!! I got nothing to do really if
you want we can practice volleyball for
a bit.

Wait she accepted it? She accepted it!!!! Yoshaaaa!

Hinata got excited and replied back immediately. His younger sister, Hinata Natsu, opened the door to his bedroom to see him jumping up and down. She was a little worried why her brother is acting like that.

"Nii-chan, why are you so excited all of a sudden?" She asked while rubbing her eyes. Hinata laughed nervously.

"S-Sorry Natsu for disturbing you hehehe... I-I'm just going to the park with a friend hehehe......." He tried to avoid eye contact with his sister, starting to sweat a lot. Natsu's eyes suddenly lit up in excitement as well.

"Can come along too Nii-chan?!!" Hinata turned a bit sad, he hesitantly nodded in reply, Natsu ran up to him and hugged him tightly, thanking him as well.

Time skippp

You were standing under a tree, waiting for Hinata to come while playing games on your phone to kill some time.

"(L/n)-chan!!" You looked at Hinata waving at you, you ran up to him to greet him.

"Hey Hinata!- oh and who is this cute girl? Hello! I'm (L/n) (F/n) nice to meet you!" You bend your knees to look at the girl.

"Oh this is Na-" "I'm Natsu! Can I call you (F/n)-nee! Nii-chan I didn't know you have a girlfriend!" Hinata's face turned red like a tomato, he was trying to say something but he kept on stuttering. Your face was red but not like his.

"Oi N-N-N-Natsu!! S-S-She's not m-m-my g-girlfriend!" You laughed at his reaction, you pat her head, smiling brightly.

After a while, you three walked around the park, enjoying the moment while talking about anything really.

"Oh! Nii-chan! Can I play over there?!" Natsu pointed at the playground full of kids, Hinata nodded in reply.

"Sure! Me and (L/n)-chan will be practicing volleyball, come back to us when your done all right." He pat Natsu in the head then grabbed your hand, dragging you to the spot he found. You almost trip since you didn't expect him to drag you to it.

It wasn't that far from the playground so you guys can keep an eye on his sister, it was under a tree with cherry blossoms flying through the air, you stared at awe at how beautiful it was.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" His smile was as bright as the sun, you hummed in reply.

"Yep it's very beautiful!"

"Just like you..." he mumbled, your face turned a pink a little bit, pretending you didn't heard him.

"L-Let's practice now, shall we..." you giggled at his reaction and started to practice.

you helped him practiced his receives by spiking at different directions, sometimes you were the one receiving to help with his spikes and vice-versa.

When one of you is tired, especially you, you both take break for a minute, sitting on the grass, huffing for air. You looked at Hinata drinking water from his water bottle.

"Hey uh..can I have some.." You asked shyly for a drink, he didn't hesitate and gave you his bottle.

"H-Here ya go!" You startled since he almost hit your face with the bottle, you take a quick sip of water to hydrate yourself.

"Ah!! Nii-chan made a indirect kiss with (F/n)-nee!!" You chocked, Natsu pointed at both of you, Hinata's face was red and so was yours.

Aight how does she know what a indirect kiss is?!

You hands were shaking while giving the bottle back, not looking at Hinata in embarrassment. You looked at Natsu laughing at her brother's reaction and yours.

"S-S-Shut u-up N-Natsu!! C-Come on let's go home you must be tired!" Hinata gave his sister a piggy back ride, he tried to not look at you.

"T-Thanks for practicing with m-me! S-Sorry for my little sister! S-S-See you t-tomorrow!"

"S-Sure...? See ya...!" You both parted ways and went home, you smiled to yourself, laughing at what just happened.

That's one hell of a to spend time with him-

"Hey Shorty! Didn't know I'd see you here~!" There was a tall guy with a black bed-hair infront of you and a blonde guy beside him. Your eyes widened in surprise.


To be continued 💙

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