Can I Just Do It All Again?

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In the middle of the night, the sound of the home phone ringing woke me up. I gave it a minute, hoping my dad would pick it up so I could just go back to sleep. After about ten seconds, I couldn't take it anymore and got up to answer it. 

"Hello?" I said, in my deep "I just want to go back to sleep" voice. 

"Um, hello. Is this a Mr. Bowen?" The woman on the line asked. 

"Well, kind of. Really. that'd be my dad." I answered, confused and a little concerned. 

"Is he with you?" She questioned, and I could hear her typing.

"Uh, well yeah." I answered, not mentioning he was asleep. I had no idea who she was. What if she was planning on breaking in or something? I don't know, but it was weird. "Why? Is something wrong?" I added, doing my best to remain calm. 

"Well, I work at Salt Lake Regional Medical Center. We have a Lynne Bowen here and your father is her nearest emergency contact." She explained, in a calm tone. I froze. 

"M-my mom's in the hospital?" I responded, almost dropping the phone. 

"I-I'm sorry. She was in an accident." She stammered. 

"I-I'm on my way." I said, quickly hanging up and going to get my dad. 

"Dad, wake up!" I yelled, pulling off his blankets. 

"Son, what are you doing?" He asked, rubbing his eyes and reaching for his blankets. 

"Mom's in the hospital. We need to go now!" I yelled, throwing a pillow at him. 

"I-Okay. We need to go." 

"Where is she?"

"I'm sorry, who are you here to see?" The lady sat at the front desk replied. 

"Lynne Bowen. She's my mom. They said she got in an accident." I told her, extremely nervous. 

"Oh. I'm so sorry...Room 205." She said, with a sympathetic smile. 

"Thank you." 

"Ricky, I..." My dad started to say, but I cut him off. 

"I really can't talk right now. I just need to...I don't know." I explained, as we walked to her room. He nodded his head and there was silence the whole walk there. 

"We're here to see Lynn Bowen." My dad told the doctor, once we made it there.

"You must be her husband. I'm Dr Ella Levy. I'm so sorry you have to go through this." She introduced herself.

"Oh..I'm actually her ex-husband, but yeah. It's definitely still hard." He replied, as we walked in and sat down in the chairs beside her bed. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" She apologized. He just waved it off and we both looked over at my mom. Her eyes were closed and she looked to be sleeping peacefully.

"So, uh, what kind of state is she in?" My dad asked, looking back at the doctor. 

"Well, don't worry. She isn't in a coma, but she did suffer a major concussion. She's been asleep for the most part, which is fine because she seems to be in a lot of pain while she's awake. We're actually waiting on the scan of her brain to see exactly how she was affected by the crash. For now, you can just sit here with her, if you'd like. If there's anyone else that might want to visit her, they're allowed in. We just wouldn't suggest too much of a crowd. We don't want her getting overwhelmed if she does wake up and there also needs to be space for the nurses to come in and help her, if necessary." She explained, looking at her clipboard. "Any other questions before I leave?" 

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