twenty two

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"Hy-hyung, I'm tired, " Jeongin murmured, finally coming to a stop, his hand falling limp from Hyunjins' grasp as he leaned over, trying to catch his breath.

He had no idea how long they had been running for but what he did know was that they'd been running for too long and that being pulled by someone like Hyunjin who had long legs and constant physical training was tiring for the average human being.

Hyunjin stopped too but unlike Jeongin who was out of breath and completely flushed, he merely had a few beads of sweat running down his face which he wiped away with the back of his hand.

Jeongin had no idea where they were but since it was rather empty, he sat down on the cold pavement, his body immediately cooling down.

Hyunjin couldn't help but smile at the younger who was sitting down with his legs fully stretched out, cheeks as red as apples and his lip tinted slightly with a soft pink shade. He bit his lip as he watched Jeongins' lips part slightly, the younger taking deep breaths through his mouth and realised how he had the inexplicable urge to join their lips together.

Hyunjin wanted to kiss Jeongin again. But this time, he didn't just want it to be a mere peck.

He wanted to kiss Jeongin for as long as he could. He wanted to hold the younger boy in his arms for the rest of his life. He wanted to hold his hand and bring him on dates and-


I'm in love.

When Hyunjin realised this, he felt his own cheeks warming up as he started coughing awkwardly, causing the younger boy to look up at him with his round eyes and a small pout on his face.

"Hyung? Are you okay?" Jeongin asked, standing up slowly and checking up on Hyunjin, rubbing circles on his back as the older coughed.

Hyunjin, for the first time in a while, was at a complete loss for words so he nodded although his heart had started beating rapidly, each beat so loud he could hear it in his own ears.

"You-you don't look okay... We should go see a doctor-" All of a sudden, Hyunjin took hold of Jeongins' chin and made the younger look meet his eyes. "Wha-what's wrong?"

"Who am I to you?" Hyunjin didn't know what he was saying but for some strange reason, he couldn't stop the words from tumbling out his mouth and falling onto Jeongins' ears.

"You're Hyunjin...?" Jeongin had no idea how to answer, dumbfounded by the sudden question he had asked.

Hyunjin shook his head, his grip on Jeongins' face never once loosening. "Am I just Hyunjin to you?"

Jeongin didn't know what to say. He wasn't just Hyunjin to him.

In fact, he was everything to him - he was the sun, the moon and the stars. He was his own entire universe in the form of one ethereal looking man and he was someone who made Jeongin feel safe - within his arms, Jeongin felt all of his burdens get lifted away and whenever they met eyes, the world suddenly seemed to disappear, leaving behind only the two of them.

And he wanted to tell him that but found himself unable to express it all at once, so with a sigh, he smiled at him and placed his head on his chest, not wanting him to see his embarrassment as he uttered three words that made Hyunjins' world stop entirely.

"You're my everything."

Once Jeongin uttered those three words, he wished for the ground to swallow him up whole, completely unable to believe that he had even said something like that to Hyunjin.

But before he could even freak out about it, he felt a pair of arms wrap around him and almost instantly, he melted into his embrace, wrapping his own arms around the older boy.

Neither had to speak a word, both completely and utterly lost in the mere presence of the other. Yet, they've never felt more secure.

Both didn't know how much time had past but soon enough, it had begun raining, forcing both boys to separate from one another.

As Jeongin was about to take out his umbrella, he no longer felt rain hitting him and when he looked up, he saw that Hyunjin had taken off his jacket and was placing it over him.

"You know I have an umbrella right?" Jeongin asked, trying his best to mask his excitement at how Hwang Hyunjin was willingly getting soaked on behalf of him.

"Well, I have an umbrella too but you know," he paused, giving Jeongin a wink which caused the younger to immediately look down and pull at his sweater sleeves. "This way seems a lot more romantic."

"Id-idiot," Jeongin muttered, taking out his umbrella and passing it to Hyunjin who glared at the umbrella as though it had said something offensive to him. "Ta-take it."

With a sigh, Hyunjin draped his jacket over Jeongins' shoulders and reluctantly took the umbrella from his hands and held it for the two of them. "I wanted to be all romantic and cute but then you had to ruin it," he muttered to the umbrella, causing Jeongin to chuckle because of how serious he was. "Don't laugh Innie! I'm serious."

Hyunjin was now pouting at Jeongin who could barely keep his laughter contained so he hummed in response.

"Remember the park we went to on our first date?" Hyunjin asked, both of them still standing in the same place they had been before.


"Let's redo our first date Innie." And before Jeongin could even utter a word, Hyunjin had locked arms with Jeongin as his hand held onto the umbrella.

And as they walked, it seemed as though all the missing pieces in Jeongins' life were slowly falling into place with Hwang Hyunjin right there next to him.


hi hi! i hope youre all staying healthy <3

also, have you guys seen skz's new music video and the THEORIES about it??
[ more specifically, the hyunin theories ;) ]

if you guys ever wanna talk abt skz ( or other kpop grps ), feel free to dm me on ig @/skijeuwu ( and just say hi vee! i dont bite )

self promo aside, i hope you enjoyed this chapter <3

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