Srishti was sitting in bed. Gulping down the water from the bottle. Her eyes were still widened in shock. Her body was shivering. And palms drenched in sweat.
He hugged her.
She couldn't believe that few seconds ago she was in his arms. He'd hugged her warmly. She felt so safe within him that. She never wanted leave. But it also frightened her. She was worried about this new feelings. Earlier what she had was pure admiration and craziness towards him. But today when they hugged. It made her loose her sense. Lots of thoughts ran through her.
The door opened. Srishti looked up and saw bhoomi. Who excitedly ran towards her.
"So did he talk to you?"she asked.
Srishti frowned and hit her with a pillow.
"Ah akka...what?"bhoomi winced.
"You left me alone with him. Seriously bhoomi?"srishti asked. Making her grin.
"Yeah so what? You were ignoring him and he wanted to talk. No big deal. You should thank me instead"
"Thank you? Do you know what happened? Oh god. I can't deal with this right now. I really can't"srishti ducked her face. In her palms.
"Whats wrong akka?"bhoomi asked. Getting tensed. Srishti looked at her and sighed.
"He hugged me"
"What?"bhoomi jumped up. Her mouth opened in surprise.
"Tell me you saw a dream"
"I didn't. He hugged me. And it wasn't a formal hug. It was a real hug. A real one. Oh god"srishti lay back on bed.
"Did you hug him back?"bhoomi climbed next to her. Srishti recalled how she put her arms around him. And hugged him back. She felt embarassed.
"Ye..ah I did"
"Really?"bhoomi asked excitedly.
"I don't know why I did it. But he was hugging me and suddenly...I felt all..I felt...I don't know what I felt"srishti fake cried.
"You felt good"bhoomi finished.
"What will he think of me?"srishti asked.
"What do you mean? He hugged you first. And what's a big deal. Its just a hug"
"Its a big deal"srishti said.
"Yes. For you it's a big deal. He's a celebrity and it's common that they would hug. But still god. He hugged you"bhoomi said.
"Bhoomi. But I just ran away from there. I didn't even say a proper good bye to him. I just ran away"srishti said.
"This is exactly you're problem akka. God made you beautiful but he didn't give you a brain. Now he'll be sitting in his room. Thinking that you might have felt uncomfortable. And that's why you just ran away without saying anything after you freaking hugged"bhoomi sighed and srishti felt worse.
"What should I do bhoomi? Should I call him and tell him that I'm okay?"srishti asked.
"You have to make it clear. But not now. Let us see if he tries to reach out to you by his own. If he doesn't. That means hes completely okay and is not feeling bad. Then everything will be okay right?"bhoomi asked. Srishti fell silent for few minutes. And then nodded.

When A Fan met Her star [ Editing ]
RomanceJai Prakash Raj is a dashing superstar. heartthrob of many girls. Darling of the industry and the Greek God for everyone. Srishti Preyansh Verma is his biggest fan. His crazy fan and can go any extent for her Superstar. For her , He's a dream which...