Jai Prakash Raj is a dashing superstar. heartthrob of many girls. Darling of the industry and the Greek God for everyone.
Srishti Preyansh Verma is his biggest fan. His crazy fan and can go any extent for her Superstar. For her , He's a dream which...
It was a cloudy evening, and the atmosphere threatened to rain. Jai sat in the backseat of the car. Staring outside the window. His mind was elsewhere. Ganesh, seated in the front. Was busy scrolling through Jai's appointments for the coming week.
"Ganesh when is the next schedule?" Jai asked breaking the silence.
"This week itself, sir. Kerala, then Chennai. I had already informed Ashok sir that we will be joining this coming Saturday"Ganesh replied, glancing back at Jai.
Jai's heart sank at the mention of Saturday. Five days away. Five days meant he would have a brief rest. But it also meant he would be leaving for the shoot soon. The thought weighed heavily on him. He had been waiting for the right opportunity to confess his feelings to Srishti. But every time he thought the moment had arrived, something else would come up. And he would hesitate.
He sighed and leaned his head back. Why was it so difficult to find the right time? He wanted to tell her how he felt. To share the emotions that had been building inside him for so long. But he was also in fear. He didn't wanted to loose her. He also didn't wanted to scare her away. But he knew she deserves to know what he thinks of her.
As the car pulled up to their home, Jai's gaze remained fixed outside. Watching the dark clouds gather. Suddenly something caught his attention. He noticed a commotion at the entrance. A man in his mid-twenties was arguing with the watchman. Desperately trying to gain entry inside the mansion.
"Let me in. Please....I just want to meet her and talk to her"he kept saying. But the watchman kept refusing. The car drove through the gate and stopped outside his home.
"Who is that Ganesh?"jai asked. His eyes fixed on the entrance.
"Maybe a fan sir? I'll send him away"Ganesh said. Coming outside the car. Jai came outside the car as well. His eyes was still on the man. Who kept fighting with the security. Ganesh stepped ahead to intervene. But Jai raised his hand, stopping Ganesh in his tracks.
"No. Let him in. I think I've seen him somewhere"jai said. Recalling how the man looked so familiar to him.
"Okay sir"
Jai walked inside the house. Srishti had gone to visit the temple with his family. So the house was empty. Jai sat on the couch in the living room and whipped out his phone. He tried to recall from where he knew that man he saw outside. But he just couldn't. He gave up and started scrolling through his phone.
After few minutes Ganesh walked in along with the man who he saw outside.
Jai looked up from his phone.
"Sir he's...."Ganesh started but Jai intruppted him.
"Ganesh can you excuse us for few minutes?"Jai asked. But Ganesh was hesitant to leave Jai alone with the stranger. Who had just made a scene.
"But sir....."
"I'll be fine Ganesh. Please?"Jai asked. Ganesh looked at man and then at Jai. Nodding his head. He walked outside leaving both of them in the living room.
"Take a seat please"jai said to the man.
"No. I'm fine sir"
Jai sighed and got up in his feets.
"What's your name?"he asked.
"Arjun. My name is arjun"the man replied.
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